[Tutorial] How to unlock FM radio without using ADB


Premium Member
Premium Member
Jun 15, 2010
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Rochester, NY
All credit to the find and the files goes to Slayher and his original post can be found here: [APP] FM Radio for the Droid 2!! - xda-developers

This is a guide to show you how to unlock FM radio using a terminal emulator on a rooted Droid 2.

First things first, you will need the appropriate files which can be found here: http://android.antbox.org/slayher/FMRadio_droid2.zip

Go ahead and extract these files using Astro or Androzip.

Next we need to move the actual files, (FMRadio.apk, FMRadioService.apk, fmradioserver, libFMRadio.so, libfmradio_jni.so, libfmradioplayer.so) to /sdcard, aka the root of your SDCARD. This can also be done with Astro using the copy function.

Alright, once that's done go ahead and open up your favorite terminal emulator and type in the following commands.

-mount -o rw,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system
-cp /sdcard/FMRadio.apk /system/app/FMRadio.apk
-cp /sdcard/FMRadioService.apk /system/app/FMRadioService.apk
-cp /sdcard/fmradioserver /system/bin/fmradioserver
-cp /sdcard/libFMRadio.so /system/lib/libFMRadio.so
-cp /sdcard/libfmradio_jni.so /system/lib/libfmradio_jni.so
-cp /sdcard/libfmradioplayer.so /system/lib/libfmradioplayer.so
-mount -o ro,remount -t ext3 /dev/block/mmcblk1p21 /system

And you're done! Plug in some speakers or headphones and go ahead and open up FM Radio in your app drawer. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for anything that happens to your device.(Have to add that)
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Any chance the output can be redirected to bluetooth, or are the wired headphones required for the antenna?
As of now the headphones are reqiured to be in to innitiate the app. Might be able to make that work eventually but not as of now.
Finally got around to doing this today. Thanks for the tutorial.

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums App
I did this and it worked! But the only problem is that it only plays in my right ear. Do you know how to fix this issue?
how long does it take to be launched? it just keeps saying FM Radio is being launched, please wait.... did i forget somethin? lol