Twitter Apps With Facebook News Feed Option


New Member
Mar 12, 2010
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I am currently trying out several Twitter apps for Android, and there are three in particular that I was wondering if they offer a Facebook Newsfeed feature. I've looked through all three apps and haven't been able to find that feature (I've also checked out their websites and didn't see it there either). It leads me to believe that a FB newsfeed isn't available, but I thought maybe I missed the setting somewhere. Here are the apps I'm looking at:

1. TweetCaster (It says it has FB integration, but the only function I've seen is where it lets you post to FB, but not VIEW FB posts or your news feed).
2. Twidroyd
3. Plume

I have no problem with getting the "Pro" version of whichever one of these offers the FB feature, so it only the Pro version has it, that's ok.

I have tried a few free Twitter apps too, and so far, they seem to more readily have this feature than the paid apps. Whatever I use, I would like to avoid advertisements if possible.

Any input would be greatly appreciated!

you should try seesmic, it's free in the market.

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