Unlock our bootloaders


New Member
Sep 28, 2010
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The tyranny of Motorola must be stopped. Please support us at http://www.change.or...e-bootloaders-2

Motorola is blocking consumers and developers of a feature the device is capable of doing, running custom kernels. Consumers and developers who bought Motorola smartphones are being cheated out of their freedom to modify their personal property. Motorola has unlocked some smartphone's bootloaders, but many are still locked. Through allowing people the opportunity to unlock their bootloaders, Motorola will encourage developers to use Motorola phones to develop on rather than other devices. It is time that Motorola unlocks all of their smartphone's bootloaders and gives people the right to modify their own personal property, a right that is inherent on millions of other smartphones produced by other companies.
I have signed this as well, hope Motorola listens to this petition.... I too hope/wish that DroidX doesnt die so soon :|
If you want an unlocked bootloader get a nexus. Vzw has offered their customer that option but as far as motorola they have made their choice and the choice is in favor of providing a device for those who dont care about the need to unlock the bootloader.
I signed it just hoping maybe someday it will happen.

On another note PC, love the new sig line!
I signed it just hoping maybe someday it will happen.

On another note PC, love the new sig line!

understood...who knows maybe motorola will throw their fans a bone and the next 4.3 inch screen phone will be the true successor of the og droid with an unlocked bootloader and vanilla android.
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Predecessor...successor. Same thing...right?

Yes, I'm a Nazi.
no... not the same I butchered that..thanks . :biggrin:
If you want an unlocked bootloader, why wouldn't you just buy a phone with that? If I want an 8 megapixel camera, I certainly wouldn't buy one that only had 5.
If you want an unlocked bootloader, why wouldn't you just buy a phone with that? If I want an 8 megapixel camera, I certainly wouldn't buy one that only had 5.
This is like comparing apples and oranges. I do own a Nexus now since I wanted an unlocked as well as a phone which would be supported for a longer duration, but at least when I was buying my Droid X a year ago - I didnt know about unlocked bootloaders - as it was never mentioned as part of the specifications unlike the camera resolution.

All other manufacturers - Samsung, HTC, SonyEricsson - have all unlocked the bootloaders for most of the phones in the past 1-2 yr time frame. All we're asking from Motorola is to allow developers and the community to support the phone for a phone which is End-of-lifed by Motorola.
I see. So you want Motorola to provide a feature you didn't even know about but could have been found out had you cared/known at the time.

How does this benefit Motorola in any way?
Believe me - unlocked bootloader is NOT a feature - it is more of a developer option - hence I mentioned earlier - apples and oranges.

It benefits Motorola by gaining trust among communities like CM and MIUI as a more developer-friendly manufacturer. I agree it does not boost sales of the device in question - DroidX. We're just asking Motorola to take a stance towards bootloader unlocking. If you know about companies' stance towards open source and their giving back to the open source community - you'd know on related terms how equally beneficial this could be.