Unwanted Apps

Well, you're on a technical forum, so you might want to pick up a dictionary. What kind of response were you hoping for? Most of us don't include answers written in purple crayon
This was a little unnecessary, we we're all new at one point...

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
Well, you're on a technical forum, so you might want to pick up a dictionary. What kind of response were you hoping for? Most of us don't include answers written in purple crayon. Also, search! Learn to love it because you're going to be needing it.

I'll give you a freebie this time: to Root a phone means you need full access over it. In other words, you can't remove those unwanted apps without taking full control over your Bionic.

Now, go read the forums, because all the answers ye seek art contained within!

Dude dont a douche to noobs. We were all noobs at one point. Spead the love.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
I hardly consider this being a douche as it was intended to be a lighthearted poke in the right direction. I certainly didn't use name calling to get my point across. I didn't realize that the internet had developed such thin skin lately? The point still stands however. I have never once joined a forum without at least reading the basics first. Maybe this dancing banana will help lighten the mood?
:icon_ banana:
Well, you're on a technical forum, so you might want to pick up a dictionary. What kind of response were you hoping for? Most of us don't include answers written in purple crayon. Also, search! Learn to love it because you're going to be needing it.

I'll give you a freebie this time: to Root a phone means you need full access over it. In other words, you can't remove those unwanted apps without taking full control over your Bionic.

Now, go read the forums, because all the answers ye seek art contained within!

Thanks buddy, your mom must be proud!
Arguing on the internet is like competing in the special olympics. Even if you win, you're still a retard. Sorry I don't believe in spoon feeding noobs, I guess? To keep the post on track, BayouFlyFisher has delivered a perfect way for you to learn about your phone. Try it.
---End Quote---
All you had say was that ROOT means to take total control. Your mom must be proud that you are finally walking upright, what a frakin knuckle dragger you are. jacka$$!

^ For this reason right here. This was Mossback's original reply before he or she kindly deleted it. Probably the most entertainment I've had all morning. I love the internet <3
We don't condone these type of posts on DF


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