Upgrade Time,,,Current S4 owner


May 23, 2011
Reaction score
New York
Current Phone Model
Note 4
Hey Guys, was looking at the Note 3 for an upgrade in which i may be able to get for free or possibly the S5 for free as well. Dont feel like gettng the 299 price for the note 4. Any suggestions/feedback with the note 3 as your all users of the device day to day or am i better off getting the s5 for free. Thanks
If you prefer smaller phones then you can't go wrong with the S5. We have one in the family. It has a great display, a good camera, and is fast on its feet.

If size doesn't bother you then definitely get the Note 3 instead. This is the only phone I have ever been happy with. I've had all of the Galaxy phones and will be selling my Note 3 as I just received the email telling me my Note Edge has shipped.
thanks for the vote of confidence. i do love the note 3 size and everything and notice the s5 really isnt that different in size....but options and specs side to side which is better in your opinion?
The screen resolution and camera are better on the S5. That's not saying the resolution is bad on the Note 3. Most people wouldn't be able to tell the difference. But side by side looking at the same photo or Web page is where it is noticeable. The S5 is also water resistant.

My wife has the S5 right now. She just ordered a Note 4. She really likes the S5 a lot which surprised me since she was iPhone-4-life until she got it. She wants the bigger screen now.
Options wise the Note 3 wins hands down. You simply cannot beat the functionality of the S-Pen.
yeah know the s5 is solid no doubt coming from an s4 is it really even worth upgrading to s5,. But i do want the note 4 but just the price is too high right now and can get the note 3 for free maybe go that route...
If you don't use your phone a lot I would go with the S5. If you play a lot of games, browse the Web, watch YouTube, movies etc then get the Note 3.
...10 times better than s4
Yeah, this was a concern for many S4 users, (at least the way the specs looked "on paper" ) but most of those that did go ahead and upgrade to the S5 feel the same way you do.
I upgraded from the S3 so you can imagine how happy I am with this device.

S5 tap'n
Got the s5 couldn't resist the price..."FREE" ...Good phone and pics on it is ridiculous. ...10 times better than s4

Great choice. I had only had the S4 long enough to wait for the Note 3 launch, but the S4 was a huge step forward from the S3 I had. The S3 was a huge lag fest.
Great choice. I had only had the S4 long enough to wait for the Note 3 launch, but the S4 was a huge step forward from the S3 I had. The S3 was a huge lag fest.
Yeah s3 was maaad slow...got into a s4

The. Had a upgrade...so I put my s4 on e bay.....but yeah liking it so far
I will be having a spare S5 soon since the wife upgraded to the Note 4. Im looking forward to experimenting with some roms on it.
Good luck. ...I've rooted and rommed before....who got time. For that
Yeah, S3 was laggy stock, but rooted/rommed it was a beast. And the dev community was (and still is...at least up until just recently) huge on that device. There were some amazing TW & AOSP roms for the S3 that made it a great device.

Good luck. ...I've rooted and rommed before....who got time. For that

The S5 doesn't really need a rom, its great "as is", but rooting it is super easy to do, and there are a few great debloated TW roms available for it. I rooted mine simply for Titanium Backup and AdAway.

S5 tap'n