Verizon beings unlimited data throttle - Your response?

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Nov 7, 2009
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[UPDATE]Verizon begins 3g AND 4gLTE throttling-Your response?


***UPDATE*** This mobile site at Verizon clearly states at the bottom that 4gLTE will also be affected with reduced speeds for the top 5% and reduced speed can last up to 60 days

Verizon Wireless will begin throttling the data speeds of customers who use an "extraordinary amount" of data, according to a document posted on the company's Web site.

Verizon site says the new rules will not affect the majority of the company's customers. However, if you are a heavy data user, you should be aware that your speeds will drop.

"If you use an extraordinary amount of data and fall within the top 5 percent of Verizon Wireless data users we may reduce your data throughput speeds periodically for the remainder of your then current and immediately following billing cycle to ensure high quality network performance for other users at locations and times of peak demand," states the document.

Verizon said it is taking the steps "to ensure that the remaining 95% of data customers aren't negatively affected by the inordinate data consumption of just a few users."

The company doesn't say how much data constitutes an "extraordinary amount," only that the new rules will affect the top 5 percent. Theoretically, that means you could be affected one month, but not the next even though you consume the same amount of data.

In addition to throttling data speeds of some users, Verizon also described new "optimization and transcoding technologies" it is implementing in its network to deliver files more efficiently.

SOURCE: Verizon Wireless to throttle data speeds of heaviest users, optimize content; starts today
well, probably good news for me seeing how I don't abuse my data plan, ie, stream nextflix 24/7 download torrents, and hook up my xbox for gaming. :)
I generally only do big downloads on wifi anyway.

though don't get me started on the whole "lets make everything faster so people can use more and more data via netflix/hulu/etc, and then lets cap and throttle that data." thing.
I generally only do big downloads on wifi anyway.

though don't get me started on the whole "lets make everything faster so people can use more and more data via netflix/hulu/etc, and then lets cap and throttle that data." thing.

The most data I've ever used was about 10gb. That was back when I used Pandora radio daily. Now I don't listen to it as much because that app sucks now! Lol

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It's not clear whether the throttling will be applied to anyone who pays for the "unlimited" hotspot service every month. I'm not exactly thrilled to shell out another $30 on top of the $30 for the data plan, but I could become somewhat unhinged if they want to play their reindeer games over what "unlimited" really means. If you're paying for "unlimited" data AND "unlimited" tethering/hotspot, then there should be no throttling involved.

Does anyone else have clarification on this point?
Well it says it only affects the top 5% heavy data users. So if you know your a heavy data user that means YOU will be affected by it.

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Yea they are evil people and they are probably why MY 4g network is down now!

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They aren't evil. They're just trying to regulate the data usage.

Sent from my Droid 3 directly to YOU!
They aren't evil. They're just trying to regulate the data usage.

Sent from my Droid 3 directly to YOU!

Not Verizon the evil high data users, who are abusing their unlimited data!!!

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Sad thing is that anyone over 2gb is considered part of the 5% group and will be throttled.
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