Verizon Galaxy Nexus available for just $154.99 from LetsTalk

How long does letstalk have control and does it effect my entire family plan or just the added line?
Been lurking for awhile, and my first post. I ordered through Let'sTalk last night as soon as it popped up. Got an email that they needed my 'phone password' which is just the 4-5 digit number for calling in and confirming ID. I gave them that info this morning and just called back to confirm everything is A-OK. I was told the phone is now on back order and will be shipping 'late next week.'

I have been very happy with Let's Talk and my interactions with them, but really I can't wait that long. My OG Droid is literally on it's last legs. I told the CSR I spoke with that I wanted to cancel my order and she did not have any problems with that, but suggested I wait until I find a Nexus and then cancel. She said I can cancel my order any time before it ships.
How long does letstalk have control and does it effect my entire family plan or just the added line?

Can't answer that cause I don't know, but from what the Verizon rep said (and he had nothing to gain, already purchased the device earlier) Lets Talk only uses Verizon's facilities (CDMA network) even though Verizon will send the bills out.
Its like what the electric companies are doing, you can buy from a third party for cheaper rates, the third party is still using your local power companies interstructure, BUT when you have an issue like billing you call the third party to address and they do not have to follow Verizon's policies.
Yep. When I ordered it said in stock and shipping overnight.

Now it says that my order is back-ordered with an unknown shipping.


Screw that.
This is ridiculous. I ordered one last night at like 2:15 (central time), so I was one of the first orders that went through, and I just got an email saying they're out of stock. How many phones did they have? I checked this morning at 7:00 and it was still showing it was available.

And now I see all this information here about LetsTalk controlling your account . . . I think I'm going to cancel my order too. It's enough trouble dealing with Verizon directly - I don't want to have to deal with a third party who may not have all their information straight. Saying the phone was in stock when it wasn't doesn't make me feel like this is a place that will always give me accurate information.
To be fair to LetsTalk, it sounds like the orders far exceeded their expectations. And I don't know that they planned the $75 off to coincide with Nexus release, so I am not sure they can really be held accountable for not having adequate stock.

All the reviews I have read make it sound like they are an upstanding company, but I just don't think I can wait until 'late next week' :frown:
yeah, for $174.99 i may just tuff it out for the week...

besides, i also have a HP touchpad coming tomorrow from that ebay blowout sale that will keep me occupied...
Meh, still showing up as waiting for carrier approval. Sounds like I'm not getting this phone within the next week, even though I placed my order the minute the deal was live on the website.

I think I'm just going to go ahead and cancel. $175 was a great deal to receive it overnight or in the first few days. If I'm going to be waiting another week or more, I might as well wait for a better deal on one of the other 3rd party resellers.
This is ridiculous. I ordered one last night at like 2:15 (central time), so I was one of the first orders that went through, and I just got an email saying they're out of stock. How many phones did they have? I checked this morning at 7:00 and it was still showing it was available.

And now I see all this information here about LetsTalk controlling your account . . . I think I'm going to cancel my order too. It's enough trouble dealing with Verizon directly - I don't want to have to deal with a third party who may not have all their information straight. Saying the phone was in stock when it wasn't doesn't make me feel like this is a place that will always give me accurate information.

I am having the same issue. It really is not hard to link a website in real time with inventory, or to auto assign inventory with orders. I work for and I deal with orders all the time that need information from the customer's end. This doesnt mean we give the person's items to someone else, the items get auto attached to that order. That is why some times will actually list exactly how many are in stock. This is poor customer service in my opinion, and if they cant get it back in stock within a week I am cancelling.
Also, I would like to point out that they already charged me in full for something they probably never had enough for. I ordered it in stock, not pre-order or backordered.
Has anyone had issues with canceling their order, other than long hold times?

Been on hold for 30 minutes, cancelling my order.

Talked to VZW rep about insurance, he said that if we try to get insurance from verizon, then it will definately cost the 250$ fee from letstalk for changing the plan. Screw that. Why didn't I just go to verizon!!!!
Been on hold for 30 minutes, cancelling my order.

Talked to VZW rep about insurance, he said that if we try to get insurance from verizon, then it will definately cost the 250$ fee from letstalk for changing the plan. Screw that. Why didn't I just go to verizon!!!!

Let me know how it goes. I have been on hold 20 minutes. Hopefully there are no issues with canceling the order. If they can cancel it with no problems I will probably try to pick it up on the way home this evening. I could have waited an extra day or 2 to save some $$ but if people who ordered immediately after it went live on their site are having their orders back-ordered who knows when they will get them instock to fulfill all of their backordered requests.
I read over the letstalk and vzw terms and conditions and have not found anything in there that says "purchasing my phone through for an upgrade or new line sells my curent cell plan to them".

yes, verzion cannot control how 3rd party vendors operates their business, but they CAN control how their products are sold. It makes absolutly no sense that upgrading a cellphone through letstalk will surrender control of your current plan to them. They may get commisions on the life of the contract for new customers they sign up to vzw service- that would explain there $250 recovery fee for early termination...but to have control over it to to teh extent of raising prices, not honoring previous contracts like the grandfathered unlimited plans just isn't in any of their terms and conditions.

Your vzw rep sounds to me like he's just tying to discourage people from going to online dealers so they will buy from brick & mortar stores (which directly benefits him).

i may have missed something, but if it is listed somewhere can you provide a link? I will immediately cancel my order if this proves to be true.


Issue is they will control the plan roll outs or grandfather status.
I just cam back from Verizon and they confirmed that they can not control what a third party vendor does.
Yes you will be billed via Verizon but that doesn't mean that you will have all the offers that Verizon offer there customer base.

Not looking to argue you can think what you want.
I got stuck years ago and it smelled the same way this did last night at 0301 EST, when I was researching this.

Just a FYI thats it
Well, I just went ahead and cancelled my order. Got through to a CS rep after 30 minutes on hold and even though I was one of the first to order (placed the order the moment it came live on the website), she said that I wouldn't be getting the phone till next week at the earliest.

$175 was a great price for an impulse buy on the release date for me, but if I'm going to have to wait around for a week or longer, I'd rather just play with the phone in person at the store to gauge how much I like it. I'm sure that Amazon or some of the other resellers will have good deals on the Nexus in the weeks to come as well.

Kinda pissed at LetsTalk for not linking their inventory system to the online orders. Seems to negate the entire point of staying up and placing an order asap. Looks like Amazon is the only company that will get my business, if not VZW, when I purchase my next phone.
After about 25 minutes on hold I was able to cancel the order. They said there should be no issues trying to use my upgrade later this afternoon. The lady seemed pretty apologetic that they didn't have enough to fulfill all orders. From the way she talked, it sounded like there were lots of canceling. She said "We are doing what we can to save all the orders." I think they didn't realize the demand, especially with the $75 off discount.