Verizon Samsung Galaxy S III Receives a Custom Kernel Via Invisiblek!


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Oct 6, 2011
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Last night as Samsung announced that they would be making a developer version of their Verizon Galaxy S III available to the public, some developers were hard at work cracking the unlocked version. Invisiblek the developer who brought us the first root method for this device has now put together a some modified kernels for our device! What changes does his kernel bring you ask. One of the major changes that it brings is the ability to overclock to 1.89ghz! The phone is pretty darn snappy at 1.5ghz but the faster the better right! It also includes the smart@$$ governor. This kernel is based on the kexec enabled kernel. There are two ways to install the kernel. You can use the Kexec method which is pretty tedious. The second method requires you to flash the kernel over the recovery partition which means it will replace your custom recovery. Of course the hope is that we will find the key to unlocking the bootloader on our devices and these workaround methods won't be needed.

Via Rootzwiki
Nice! Im holding out though to see what the devs will do when the unlocked phone ccomes out. One click root maybe?