Verizon Wireless S5 Pre-Orders starting

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New Member
Dec 29, 2010
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Hi all,

So this is my first time posting on this site in a long time so let me just cut to it. I was wandering around Best Buy today trying to see if they had an S5 model for me to play with when I was told that Pre-orders for the phone are starting tomorrow. He told me that one person before me had already gotten her pre order slip and he filled mine out as well and gave me his card.

What he told me was this: The Black and White versions of the S5, with a $50 discount and a $10 credit towards the phone would be available for pre ordering tomorrow (and a free Samsung shirt). Now what i'm confused about is that there is literally no mention of anything even remotely like this anywhere on the internet? Wouldn't samsung, Verizon, or even best buy at least hint at a pre-order? Additionally, tomorrow is April fools day so either he's pulling some strange prank, he was seriously misinformed(he assured me he triple checked with his boss), or he's telling the truth.

I have the paper and the card that he gave me as proof btw (I can post pics if you'd like)

I was just wondering whether anyone knows anything about this/encountered something similar?
That's sorta older news and has been posted here already so I'm going to close this thread. You should come around more often. :happy3:
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