Wallpaper Size


New Member
Nov 16, 2009
Reaction score
If anyone is interested, to create your own wallpaper, the image size is 640x480.

When I took my old Droid wallpapers the selection box was off, but couldn't find any info online, so I just messed around a bit until it fit perfectly.

My apologies if this was covered elsewhere, but I couldn't find it.
I'm just wondering what the ideal wallpaper size for the Stratosphere is? Particularly the multi-screen version. I know that 360 x 640 works well for the single version at least.
I'm just wondering what the ideal wallpaper size for the Stratosphere is? Particularly the multi-screen version. I know that 360 x 640 works well for the single version at least.

Wallpaper web sites use 960 x 800...
I was wondering what the default wallpaper size was for the samsung stratosphere is because for some reason I can't do the horizontal option when I want to change my wallpaper so the picture gets cut off.