Weird Battery Life Help


New Member
Jan 2, 2011
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Hey everyone, first time post here, i just wanted some input on my battery life. i am running
Droid 1
Cyanogenmod 6.1.2
Ultra Low voltage 800ghz Kernel 7 slot by Chevyno1
No Custom Theme just ADW Launcher.

So basically i have had weird battery life regardless of what Rom or kernel i have had (i was running Ultimate Droid 1.0.0 before this, stock kernel). But to give you an example, today i finished charging my phone at 12pm, came back to my phone at 12 30pm and started texting, and like 1 minute into phone usage my battery drops from 100 percent to 50 percent. its been about 3 hrs now, havent really used my phone but its still at 50... also if i fully charge my phone, then reboot it, it will go down to like 80 or 70 just from rebooting. then when it finally gets down to like 5 percent, it can last like 1 or 2 hours like that before shutting down. so what im trying to say is my battery seems to drop really quick, but once it gets to the low percent, it seems to last a little longer. i still have short battery life tho, like 7 hrs if i use it lightly. could it be my battery is going bad? ive looked at battery usage and i dont see anything odd, right now with my phone being in sleep mode most of the time its reading (in spare parts):
Network usage since last unplugged, UID 10051 is 25% blue and the rest is all red.
Partial wake usage since last unplugged Android System is about 90% blue
Other usage since last unplugged Running is 97.8% red, and Screen on is 6.7% red.
and thats it. According to Battery Booster app, my battery health is good, and the voltage is 3728 mV (is that correct for ultra low voltage kernel?
i have all the possible battery draining things like wifi, bluetooth, screen brightness etc always turned off. and my SETCPU Profiles are as follows:

battery 75-100% is 250-800mhz ondemand
battery 50-75% is 250-700mhz ondemand
battery 25-50% is 250-600mhz ondemand
battery 25 and lower is 250-400mhz ondemand
screen off is 250-250mhz performance
and charging is 250-400mhz powersave

that is how i currently have it setup, but ive had it setup before with no profiles, just 250-600mhz ondemand, with the same results.

i dont have very many apps installed, i have enough internal memory, and besides my battery issue everything runs great. i ordered a new battery to see if that will change anything but in the meantime i wanted to know what you guys think, sorry its so long but i wanted to get as much detail in as possible, TIA!
Here are some thoughts. Are you running ClockworkMod Recovery? If so, charge to full, reboot into CWM recovery, go to advanced, wipe battery stats, and then run your phone until the battery is dead, then recharge to full. It sounds like your battery stats may be screwy.
I have sprecovery but I do have rom manager so I can switch between clockworkmod and sprecovery easily, which one should I stick with out of the 2? But I will do the battery stats wipe and see if it helps, thanks
Having the exact same issue.....using stock Cm6.2 kernel

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Here are some thoughts. Are you running ClockworkMod Recovery? If so, charge to full, reboot into CWM recovery, go to advanced, wipe battery stats, and then run your phone until the battery is dead, then recharge to full. It sounds like your battery stats may be screwy.


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Charge phone to 100%, delete /data/system/batterystats.bin, reboot phone, unplug charger, use phone until device shuts down (from dead battery)....recharge and enjoy your new found battery longevity.

fivefour on xda
@f1vefour on twitter
thanks everyone, did as you said and now i my phone lasts me the whole day, unplug it at 9am and by 11pm or so its down to 20 or 30 so thats pretty good for me, but i have one more question. since i am running the ULTRA LOW voltage kernel, i downloaded Batteryminder (which is a great app) and its reading that my current battery voltage is 3,589 mV. shouldnt this be lower since the normal battery voltage is 3.7? i would think this would be alot lower since i have an ULTRA LOW voltage kernel. any input on this would be great, thanks
thanks everyone, did as you said and now i my phone lasts me the whole day, unplug it at 9am and by 11pm or so its down to 20 or 30 so thats pretty good for me, but i have one more question. since i am running the ULTRA LOW voltage kernel, i downloaded Batteryminder (which is a great app) and its reading that my current battery voltage is 3,589 mV. shouldnt this be lower since the normal battery voltage is 3.7? i would think this would be alot lower since i have an ULTRA LOW voltage kernel. any input on this would be great, thanks
Those are two completely different things. You're looking at battery voltate, while kernel voltage refers to the voltage passing through the processor at different frequencies. Ultra Low voltage kernel means the processor is running with a lower voltage than stock. Nothing to do with the battery, other than having a lower demand on the battery.
thanks everyone, did as you said and now i my phone lasts me the whole day, unplug it at 9am and by 11pm or so its down to 20 or 30 so thats pretty good for me, but i have one more question. since i am running the ULTRA LOW voltage kernel, i downloaded Batteryminder (which is a great app) and its reading that my current battery voltage is 3,589 mV. shouldnt this be lower since the normal battery voltage is 3.7? i would think this would be alot lower since i have an ULTRA LOW voltage kernel. any input on this would be great, thanks
Those are two completely different things. You're looking at battery voltate, while kernel voltage refers to the voltage passing through the processor at different frequencies. Ultra Low voltage kernel means the processor is running with a lower voltage than stock. Nothing to do with the battery, other than having a lower demand on the battery.

i understand now, in that case is there any way to look at the current voltage the processor is running at? some sort of app maybe? and what is the stock processor voltage? thanks again
Wow...happened to run down the forums posts and saw this thread...EXACTLY what my phone is doing. Was driving me nuts.

Will perform the recommended steps and enjoy my new found battery longevity...
