Weird music player bug

The weirdest issue I have had is that I can disconnect the headphones and nothing will happen. Then out of the blue, 30 mins later the music player will start playing. This has only happened once or twice, but it is quite startling to be walking through walmart and have music suddenly start blaring out of your pocket.
Yea replicated the same issue with the Eliot player just now.

i'm still confused as to what is causing this and why it doesn't happen to me? what other running services are you guys talking about? do you have the lockscreen controls disabled? (i do, if it means anything).
Yea replicated the same issue with the Eliot player just now.

i'm still confused as to what is causing this and why it doesn't happen to me? what other running services are you guys talking about? do you have the lockscreen controls disabled? (i do, if it means anything).

I do have the lock screen controls enabled. Using them for Google Listen is how I get this bug.
Wow, I guess this is a pretty common bug (unfortunately)

I've been trying to replicate this bug and can not seem to do so. It has happened to me a couple of time since my OP. Tried switching to eliot stock player as well. Lockscreen controls disabled.

Happened most recently yesterday when I was showing a buddy a video I took. As soon as the video ended stock music player started up. I was using the external speaker for sound so I don't know if headphones or audio cables play a role or not...

Question... does the logcat reset every time you reboot your phone? I end up rebooting my phone when i get the issue and captured a logcat after reboot. I want to make sure it has relevant info before I upload on bugzilla.
Im glad to see im not the only one with this issue. The first time it happened it confused the hell out of me since I never use the stock app (i use mixzing and slacker), it doesnt happen that often to me, only about once or twice. I happened like an hour ago, I can post up a logcat.

edit: done, bug #151
Interesting find ...

I was reading the google code thread on the aac/aac+ decoding issue and one comment in particular stood out

Issue 9308 - android - eaac+ and aac+ decoding sound quality problems (Android 2.2) - Project Hosting on Google Code

"@rgschult After I ran the temp fix, when I closed Pandora, my phone starting playing two songs at the same time from my SD card. I couldn't even shut them off because no music apps were opened to play those. I rebooted my phone."

Sounds very similiar. I'm wondering if this issue is not Sapphire specific but a side effect of disabling Stagefright in build.prob (which is the temp fix)
What's weird for me is I had enabled stagefright to test something else and disabled it again and now this bug is cropping up for me...
I disabled the lock screen controls yesterday and I have no run into this issue since. It has been approx 24 hours.
I have had this issue as well, but worse than others. Yes, it happens any time I detach headphones or a bluetooth headset. But it also happened in the middle of the night last night 3 times. I was asleep, phone was just sitting on desk charging, and all of a sudden the music player starts. Phone had not been touched in a couple hours.

Droid never sleeps.

Disabling lockscreen controls to see if that helps.
One day later, and it is actually worse. Music player actually starts itself in this manner on many different phone events. It turned itself on right after I sent a text, when I opened a game, every time I remove microphones or bluetooth, and several times during the day and night when the phone isn't even being touched. This is with lockscreen controls disabled. Does anyone have ANY advice? I'm at the point where I'm about to just remove the music player which I don't really want to do.
Interesting find ...

I was reading the google code thread on the aac/aac+ decoding issue and one comment in particular stood out

Issue 9308 - android - eaac+ and aac+ decoding sound quality problems (Android 2.2) - Project Hosting on Google Code

"@rgschult After I ran the temp fix, when I closed Pandora, my phone starting playing two songs at the same time from my SD card. I couldn't even shut them off because no music apps were opened to play those. I rebooted my phone."

Sounds very similiar. I'm wondering if this issue is not Sapphire specific but a side effect of disabling Stagefright in build.prob (which is the temp fix)

Ran into same issue. Music player doesn't stop. It plays every song a lill nit and skips . Rebooting the phone solved the problem. Nasty bug you know
I'm having a similar issue but it doesn't seem to happen with the stock music player. My issue is that when I'm listening to a podcast in beyondpod then pause the podcast and pullout the headset jack. After a few seconds either doubletwist or 3 (cubed music player) starts up and starts playing over the speaker. I then have to start up that software, hit the play button, and then hit the pause button. Just for reference I have headset controls turned off for both programs. I don't have any lock screen player controls turned on.
I just went ahead and uploaded a log to bug 141 on bugzilla.

I'm having a similar issue but it doesn't seem to happen with the stock music player. My issue is that when I'm listening to a podcast in beyondpod then pause the podcast and pullout the headset jack. After a few seconds either doubletwist or 3 (cubed music player) starts up and starts playing over the speaker. I then have to start up that software, hit the play button, and then hit the pause button. Just for reference I have headset controls turned off for both programs. I don't have any lock screen player controls turned on.
I can verify that it is not Saphire related. I am running UD 6 and have the same issue. I also did the temporary solution of disabling StageFright so perhaps this is the cause.

My solution was to rename the Music.apk since I used Cubed player anyway.

This has resolved it for now. Not perfect but better than random music.
For those using Launcherpro, 'hiding' the music app in the app drawer fixed the issue. Not one random song since I did it.

I kind of miss it though. It was as if my life had a soundtrack. I found myself taking extra precautions when dark music came on, because I thought something bad was gonna happen.