Welcome to the Hashcode D3 Section of DF

DF Smod

Silver Member
Apr 23, 2010
Reaction score

We would like to welcome Hashcode to DF, his work in the Android Community and on the D3/Bionic has brought android to another level

:) we're glad to have you with us :)
We'll be sure to get some food and water for you :crazy:
The doggie door is always open and you can even have the couch. Just don't chew the remote :D

Tapped from an Unbrickable DROID
Welcome! Thanks for all the work you've put into this device. Looking forward to what's next.
Welcome aboard hashcode! We're happy to have you with us! :biggrin:
I know I just welcomed you in your Bionic section but you work on the D3 as well, awesome!! Very cool to have you with us.
Welcome over.
My D3 anxiously awaits ICS, as I'm sure many others. No rush, and enjoy your work so far. You've made the locked bootloader irrelevant and safe to bypass. Can't wait to see what else you can do.

"Stay classy Interwebz"
Glad to see your here HASHCODE. Thanks for everything you have done. Looking foward to the future with you. Will you update here about ics or do we need to keep checking your blog out?
:hail: Hashcode. Welcome to DF!
Welcome hashcode, good to have you aboard:)

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