What 3 apps can you not live without?

My mobile buzz widget. It gives me all my android news.

Sent from my DROID3 using DroidForums
  1. google voice search &/or vlingo (..I switch back and forth..)
  2. file expert (..great skinnable UI, support for root, network, & bluetooth operations, bulk app management, and its free! )
  3. Simple calendar widget.. Great agenda widget with customizable look; just wish it could scroll!
  4. MIUI (..yes I know its a ROm, but it replaced a handful of my apps.. sms, dialer, toggle, lockscreen, theming, etc)
  5. Opera broswer ..xscope and dolphin HD are also good.
  6. Maverick for GPS use.. can download (w. PC app) many types of maps and use them offline /when away from cell service
  7. Amazon Kindle for reading books
  8. Pulse for reading news
  9. Google Goggles for business card & barcode scanner
  10. Ad free ad blocker (..requires root)
  11. ...I'm a little past #3... I'll stop for now! :icon_eek:
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I can't live without the app that makes my battery stop sucking penal, but it hasn't been released yet. Which means I can't be alive at the moment, yet this message, and in turn my thoughts, proves my existence.

Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk
I have a lot more than 3 that I love:
ConnectBot (SSH client)
DAAP Media Player (run Firefly at home to stream music)
Dolphin Browser HD...only version 7.02 because they removed the tracking for that version
GO Launcher EX (home launcher replacement)...changed my mind. I use ADW because I don't like GO's privilege requirements
Google Voice (free texting and visual voicemail)
Jorte (calendar & widgets)
K-9 Mail (email)
Notepad (very simple notepad)
QuickPic (photo/movie gallery alternative)
TeslaLED (flashlight)
Lock Screen (or an alternative if not available for your phone in market...saves your physical power button)

Honorable mentions: Adobe Flash, Google Maps, Google Voice Search, Remote VNC, Wyse PocketCloud (VNC)
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1. Google maps. Use it every day for work.
2. Handcent.
3. Google Calendar widget. Use it for work appointments every day.

4. Mort - Audio Book player. Very nice.
Poweramp #1 forever and beyond

1. Google maps. Use it every day for work.
2. Handcent.
3. Google Calendar widget. Use it for work appointments every day.

4. Mort - Audio Book player. Very nice.
Well sir it seems you have a life lol ...
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For me its Root Call Blocker, Prepay Widget, System Panel and titanium Backup.
Screenshot it
Freehand writting input

Sent from my DROID Pro
Screenshot ER is way better than Screenshot It! Give it a try, its free.
For me it's YouTube, Blogtv and Ubersoft twitter app

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