What is happening?!


New Member
Jul 9, 2010
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where are the proper sticky threads for these new releases with changes, tips, themes, etc

where is jrummy? where are all the people that are contributing to this rom?

its been days and there's basically no info and this forum is virtually dead

i appreciate all the work but at least tell us about it and support it!!
I think the versions that are out are still kind of a beta mode. Hopefully when they feel its ready, a sticky will be made... hopefully.

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I'm going to agree that I'm a bit concerned about the situation as well.

I can certainly understand a period of beta testing (in fact, I really appreciate it), and I would love to help, but...

I'm sorry to say, but I feel that the flow of communication about these builds has been lacking. I'm happy to help test, but I have no idea who is listening and what the response is going to be. The new versions have either popped up unannounced in RM or the forum has been tipped off by a user-not one of the devs.

Now, that said, I saw mention of a couple of admin issues for creating sticky threads, and that's cool, but this is coming off as really disorganized and has me a bit concerned.

Now, this is nothing against the project, the team or anybody involved with this, but please-help us help you. If there is another method of communication that is being used for the project (IRC, Twitter, whatever), then please let us know.

All of us here love Lithium and want to help it succeed. I also understand that the team structure has changed and the organization and communication methods are bound to change as well. I'm not worried about themes or ETAs right now if this is still in a beta mode, but I would like to get at least an overview of what's changing in the builds, if there are specific things we should look for and certainly if there are known bugs.
where are the proper sticky threads for these new releases with changes, tips, themes, etc

where is jrummy? where are all the people that are contributing to this rom?

its been days and there's basically no info and this forum is virtually dead

i appreciate all the work but at least tell us about it and support it!!

Well we are here and do look in here. There is a new version in Rom Manager LithioumMod.0.0.4 changelog is being worked on and will be put up asap. problem with the themes is that with the ammount of changes themes might have to be changed each time. Once things are smoothed out I am sure that the themes will flow once again.

Well we are here and do look in here. There is a new version in Rom Manager LithioumMod.0.0.4 changelog is being worked on and will be put up asap. problem with the themes is that with the ammount of changes themes might have to be changed each time. Once things are smoothed out I am sure that the themes will flow once again.


Thanks for chiming in, it's good to hear.

As I say, I'm personally not sweating things like themes or ETAs-I know this stuff takes time, and I would rather the team put together something they are proud of a confident with as opposed to rushing something out to meet a date.

I also understand that the team has new faces and a new way of working, and that's cool.

On the one hand, we were used to a certain level of interaction with Jrummy, and that has changed-we need to adapt to that, and that's fine. On the other hand, I wanted to inquire as to the current organization and way of working so everybody knows how to communicate with you guys and what kind of communication we can expect.

No demands there, just trying to figure out what's up since things have been so different from what it has been in the past.
Thanks for chiming in, it's good to hear.

As I say, I'm personally not sweating things like themes or ETAs-I know this stuff takes time, and I would rather the team put together something they are proud of a confident with as opposed to rushing something out to meet a date.

I also understand that the team has new faces and a new way of working, and that's cool.

On the one hand, we were used to a certain level of interaction with Jrummy, and that has changed-we need to adapt to that, and that's fine. On the other hand, I wanted to inquire as to the current organization and way of working so everybody knows how to communicate with you guys and what kind of communication we can expect.

No demands there, just trying to figure out what's up since things have been so different from what it has been in the past.

for now, IRC is your best bet for the latest news. #lithmod on freenode

also, we try to announce all major releases and news on twitter (@LithiumMod).

most of us typically avoid the forums, but we'll do our best to at least keep up with the LithiumMod section ;)
Once I grasp everything that is going on I can answer questions. I probably browse the forums more then any of the others excluding JRummy when he's around.

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IIRC Jrummy announced that he was going to be taking more time off away from developing, because of his personal life. Still he had time to make the overclock app in the Market. He's done a lot of good work, when he can and feels like it I'm sure he will make an appearance.
Indeed, after some conversations with team members, there have been some changes in the way of working, but the project is very much alive and active.

More communication and info will be forthcoming, but things are still getting a bit settled and coordinated.

In the meantime, testing and reporting is very welcome and appreciated-more information will be coming soon.