What rom should I use

hey i got it to reboot....so im gonna go back an dl the nighlty dl thing....and try again...i dl titanuim back up from the market...but when i go back to wipe factory settings do i need to hit "back up" again?
ok..i dl titanuim back up from the market...when i go to buy a new droid will the titanuim back up on this phone restore my apps to the new one and to this one if i mess up again?
i dont know, i actuely just got a replacement phone because my old phone was bricked beyond everything, but because i had the backup of the bricked one i could just install the bootstrapper and restore it via the backup and i had everything back in about 5 min
how did u brick ur phone?
so if u backed up ur brick phone like i did and got a new one, u just went and dl the bootstrapp app again and hit restore and it all came back/?
yup! as long as its the same model
how i bricked my phone i have no idea i was reading and its not rare to find someone on here who somehow bricks their phone by not actually doing anything to it
sounds like a blast....my phone is in the proccess of dl the nightly link or file or whatever...after its done dl what do i do or where do i go to use what i just dl? thankds
after its done downloading put it on the root of your SD card(not in any files just out in the open) and go into clockwork, wipe data/cache then install it and the gaps.
so as long as you have that and the gaps you should be golden, then when you get to cm7 the apps should start redownloading from the market.
where do u get "gaps"?....right up under the dl link for the nightly dl thing?
what do u mean when i get to cm7? like when i reboot?