What's your Droid routine?


Active Member
Mar 28, 2010
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
I've had my Droid for almost 3 months now, and I've fallen into a fairly standard routine. I use Timeriffic to set my basic daily setups. At 6am I have the Droid come out of airplane mode and turn on wifi. On weekdays, my Better Alarm Clock will wake me up. I read the daily news and weather from the stock News and Weather app. Afterwards, I will turn off the Droid while I shower and get dressed. I turn the Droid back on during breakfast to browse the web. Before I leave for work, Timeriffic is set to turn on bluetooth for my headset and turn off wifi during my drive to work. When I get to the office, bluetooth will be turned off and wifi back on. The Droid gets docked in my Seidio dock on my desk. Better Alarm Clock is activated, and I'll get K-9 emails, Handcent SMSs, and phone calls via DialOne during the day. I'll do some web browsing during the day when I have free time away from my desk. Before I leave work, Timeriffic will turn off wifi and turn on bluetooth for my drive home. At home, wifi comes back on and bluetooth goes off. I'll listen to some Pandora while I do my home chores, catch up on the news and weather, and read and answer emails. When it is time to call it a day, I'll choose the song I will hear in the morning for Better Alarm Clock, and I'll activate the Beautiful Widget's Silent widget for a peaceful and uninterrupted sleep. The Droid is docked into the Seidio dock on my nightstand for the evening. Timeriffic will turn off wifi and activate airplane mode for the rest of the night.

On the weekends, the Droid is in less routine mode. Wifi typically stays on all the time while I'm home. 3G and bluetooth are activated while I'm out.

Pretty predictable and likely boring for some. However, the Droid has served my needs quite well. What type of routine do you have for your Droid?
Morning - mp3 player, RadioTime

Afternoon - HR Battle 3D

Getting off work - mp3 player, RadioTime, HR Battle 3D, browsing the web, getting on here with Tapatalk.

Evening - sometimes: HR Battle 3D, trying out new or old ROMs, kernels, trying new apps from Market.

Night time - Alarm Clock.

I had to revise something: Weekends - trying new ROM. kernels; trying new apps from Market, maybe some HR Battle 3D.
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since i'm using a PC at work, school, and home, i mainly text on my phone. i'd surf on facebook/twitter in between breaks though. that's about it =p. and checking out engadget app every now and then
I wake up look at texts, missed calls, voicemails, and emails, then it's a free for all.
-Get up at 6am and look at texts and emails I have received during the night.
-Take out of silent and put in normal sound mode
-8am arrive at work and place in vibrate mode
-read email and texts as I get them through the day
-check Facebook and surf web some during my breaks
-5pm put back into normal ringer mode
-10pm-12am usually at some point place back into silent and go to bed

Now that I have discovered Timeriffic, my changing of ringer mode may become automated. Thanks jhom
Wow. No real routine here other than the Droid goes into the dock at night. WiFi, Bluetooth and GPS remain on all the time. Everything else is done on a whim.
Wow. No real routine here other than the Droid goes into the dock at night. WiFi, Bluetooth and GPS remain on all the time. Everything else is done on a whim.

Same here. No way I could live that structured. :)
During the week there is the same routine:

Off charge at 7am
3 hours of music via music player (to and from work)
20 - 30 minutes of web browsing
random Facebook updates
20 - 30 texts
10 - 20 minutes of phone calls
20 - 30 minutes of some game
On charge at 9pm

When phone goes back on charge it is usually sitting at 30% - 40%

On the weekends. All bets are off. The Droid gets used for anything I can think of at that particular moment in time.
Right now I am finishing up my newest dark black and blue theme for NewEra to release to public, so needless to say my phone schedule is a bid different. Plus I need to work so I am not broke and that cuts into my theming, blasted! Anyway...

Before Work- Usually 2 hours of editing and pushing APKs over and over and over.
Work - Texting, facebook boredom, market searching, random internet.
After Work - Again, editing adn pushing APKs over adn over and over.
In Car - Music, RadioTime, and Pandora.
Night - Droid sits there waiting for some love while I watch TV or Movies.
Sleep - Alarm is on and R2D2 is charging up for the next day!