Who Is Wearing Them?

I <3 my phone butler.
I'm on call 24/7. It doesn't happen often but I do get emails from employees after hours some times. It's nice when my phone is in the other room and I get a message, I can just glance at the watch and decide if I need to act on it.
It's also handy while at work. When my desk phone rings, it rolls to my cellphone. If I am not at my desk, I can see on my watch someone is calling my desk. I can usually get back to my office and answer it before it hits my voicemail.
Not to even mention, it's a watch. When cell phones came out I pretty much stooped wearing a watch since I have the time right there. But after having a watch AND a cellphone...it sure is much quicker to glance at my wrist then it is to pull my phone out. By a substantial margin, ;)
I <3 my phone butler.
I'm on call 24/7. It doesn't happen often but I do get emails from employees after hours some times. It's nice when my phone is in the other room and I get a message, I can just glance at the watch and decide if I need to act on it.
It's also handy while at work. When my desk phone rings, it rolls to my cellphone. If I am not at my desk, I can see on my watch someone is calling my desk. I can usually get back to my office and answer it before it hits my voicemail.
Not to even mention, it's a watch. When cell phones came out I pretty much stooped wearing a watch since I have the time right there. But after having a watch AND a cellphone...it sure is much quicker to glance at my wrist then it is to pull my phone out. By a substantial margin, ;)
When I got home from work last night ,~10pm, the "disconnected buzz" butler function was priceless. My Phone is my alarm clock and I'd left it in my truck. No way I'd have woken up on my own at 530 this morning lol.
I work retail so I don't have the same phone usage as I did as the mechanic at my old job. I could see me using my watch more like what you've written if things were different. I started looking for more stand alone functionality out of boredom with it just being an extension of my phone. I've probably got about 12 hours of talk using my watch (tethered or not) in the 1+ year I've had it. Texting is a different story though. Unless it's an elaborate response I don't use the phone anymore for replies or initiated messages. That's something I've come to really appreciate, tethered or not.
Again those of us that have them, for the most part, have an appreciation of how useful they are, no matter what our usage style is, but trying to sway anyone who doesn't use one is an exercise in futility, much like the pda was to the flip phone/candy bar only users of last century ,and as Jonny wrote earlier, the smartphone user vs dumbphone of mid last decade. It'll be interesting to see how things are mid next decade.

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Beast Mode 4
just want to see if this thing still works
Edit; I was just piddling around killing some time while watching Paycheck on Netflix via the Note8 and NFL Top 100 players on the tv and wrote the above on the watch during a commercial on the tv that coincided with a boring area on the tablet after testing the difference in speeds between Bluetooth, AT&T data and Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi won.





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Whatever the thing is, still seems to be working.

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I edited to elaborate, didn't think it went through because it was during the speed test and Bluetooth was sucking royally in the test.

Support Our Troops!!!
Beast Mode 4
As I relax and watch a little TV tonight I have seen 3 iWatch commercials in the past hour. One even had Alice Cooper in it...really? That got me thinking, and I realized that I have actually seen quite a few people recently wearing iWatches. In the 15 months I have been wearing an Android Watch I have traveled all over the country and have never noticed a single other person wearing an Android Watch. But I have seen lots of people wearing iWatches. Is Google advertising Android Wear enough? Are they really selling as many as reported? If so, who the heck is wearing them? Curious what other AW owners think.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

I say it is about 50/50. I see as many Android watches as iWatches.