Widgets stop working Kangerade v1.1


Jan 1, 2010
Reaction score
Miami, FL
Been running fine for a few days now and recently the my widgets stopped working. Beautiful widgets time gets stuck and I cannot access the calender or weather etc. When i remove it and replace it the time stays stuck at w/e time i put it back.

Also i have an app called "Gmail unread count" which is basically a widget that looks like the Gmail icon but keeps a number for unread emails. The widget is able to load my inbox but after reading all the emails it stays stuck at the number it was last, in this case 3. Never done that before. Will try a reboot now.
i have the same issue and it seems like any time im in an app then go back to the home app it has restarted just seems as all apps are being killed to easily
For me this issue was happening with the LauncherPro app. When I removed launcherpro and used the stock launcher program this issue went away. When I reinstalled launcherpro the issue came back.
For me this issue was happening with the LauncherPro app. When I removed launcherpro and used the stock launcher program this issue went away. When I reinstalled launcherpro the issue came back.

And I'm having this issue with ADW Launcher, so it's not specific to either one. Plus, this is a new issue that has just started (for me) yesterday, and I've had Kang 1.1 since it was released.
I am using Launcher Pro as well, seems to be working fine since reboot.

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Same problem here, all widgets are broken regardless of whether they're stored on the internal memory or SD card. LauncherPro isn't installed on the SD card either. They work if I add them again, but then break on next boot...
I noticed the same problem with Beautiful Widgets. When I reboot my phone the time stops on the widget. If I remove / re-add the widget it refreshes again. After leaving it on overnight I noticed the time from the internal clock to the widget was off by 7 minutes. Is there a fix for this?