wifi tether


New Member
Dec 14, 2011
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i just recently rooted my phone and i have been really reading up on all the different advantages of having rooted my phone. wifi tether came up and i have read into what i can find on it but...... i cant seem to get the wifi tether to work. i really dont want to make a mistake while trying to install a wifi tether so i ask you all for an easy to understand explanation on how to make it work/ the best app to use. thanks all who reply.
i see that barnacle and open garden may be the two most recommended apps is there any other apps that i am missing?
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Can't help you with rooted phone but bluetooth is a temporary fix. Works easily between my Bionic and iPad and the speed of data flow is ok.
I don't realy know why but tether apps don't usually function so well with out devices. The best option is to use the built in Hotspot feature. In order to do so you have two options. One is to purchase the subscription from Verizon. I for one pay $200 a month for two smart phones and feel I hve paid them enough. So option two to work around this by editing system settings. to do so you just follow these simle steps:

Download and install SQLite from the market or some other source.
Open SQLite and find the System Settings emblem with the tools on it
Open this Settings and click filter and enter "check"
Down towards the bottom of the list it should say "entitlemant_check" click it
Then click "edit value" and set it to "0".
Save it and exit. Reboot your phone and you now have a functional WIFI tether.
I use this to play Xbox. While I can't really download updates (I only have 3G) I can still play lag free games of Battlefield 3.
I don't realy know why but tether apps don't usually function so well with out devices. The best option is to use the built in Hotspot feature. In order to do so you have two options. One is to purchase the subscription from Verizon. I for one pay $200 a month for two smart phones and feel I hve paid them enough. So option two to work around this by editing system settings. to do so you just follow these simle steps:

Download and install SQLite from the market or some other source.
Open SQLite and find the System Settings emblem with the tools on it
Open this Settings and click filter and enter "check"
Down towards the bottom of the list it should say "entitlemant_check" click it
Then click "edit value" and set it to "0".
Save it and exit. Reboot your phone and you now have a functional WIFI tether.
I use this to play Xbox. While I can't really download updates (I only have 3G) I can still play lag free games of Battlefield 3.

You don't actually have to do that anymore. The newer versions of WiFi tether app work right out of the box without having to edit any system files in SQLite.
On my og RAZR maxx I used an app called WiFi tether for root users and it worked flawlessly. I do not like foxfi because it installs a security certificate and forces me to have a password.. I HATE passwords.. Any suggestions??
Come on fellas.. I know somebody has an idea.. There was a hack for the stock app on the og RAZR don't know if something like that works work for the HD..
Easy tether works perfect on my HD

wi-fi tether kinda sucked