Will Verizon let me upgrade really early?

Oops, you are correct. I don't know how I did that... :)

Okay, so now you went back and corrected it making me look like the a$$...lol. Good thing it doesn't change in my post where I quoted you.

@Jay...you say its incorrect to call the tb's bootloader unlocked, yes, it was locked. It has been unlocked though quite easily. Once you unlock it via rooting, It's unlocked. You can't put cm on a phone that's locked, but once you unlock it (s-off) you can flash anything. I think we all understand this, but I also think we understood that calling it unlocked meant that it can be unlocked...

You didn't look like an ass... And you saw that I said oops you were correct, didn't know how I did that. Of course I had to go back and correct my mistake. But since it seems to bother you... Let the world know that you officially caught me make a mistake... :)

Feel better? :)

I was just messing with ya friend...I hope you didn't take my comment seriously. That's why it said lol...

Sorry for the choice of words...I've seen that one so many times didn't think it was a big deal. But now I know, and knowing is half the battle :)
I paid $20 and was able to upgrade less the a year into my 2 year contract.
I gotta say, I used to love my DROIDX. Now I'm finally realizing the issues. Motorola takes ages to roll out Android updates, not to mention there's a total lack of customization. Battery life is horrible.

Thanks to the people who have posted here, I may finally be rid of this thing!

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Not true, moto for the past 2 android updates has only been second to Google's Nexus phone. I have the TB and my wife has the DX and her battery life is much better than my TB, but from a performance standpoint the TB makes up for the poor battery life. My TB is getting better battery life than my D1, so I'm happy.

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