Wireless charging pad

Yes, I did. It really surprises me to see that. What charger name and model # are you using?
Follow up 2 second review after using this thing for more then a week now.
AWESOME. I'm really impressed. It does take some time to reach full charge, but as this is overnight, I don't care. It's always full in the morning. Probably also why it doesn't get very hot.
I had doubts about whether it would charge a completely dead phone... though "doesn't it have to be on to start charging?" This is just me not knowing much about wireless charging.
Totally dead phone on it last night and it acted totally normal. Battery flashed and after a few minutes it woke up.
I'm sure the Tylt is great, too, but why spend an extra $30 for... for... what? The only thing I see Tylt has that this doesn't is: colors. So if you need to match some decor, get the Tylt. If you want a good black charger: get this baby.
I have been using this same charger different name for over a month now.
Works great no issues.
There are several of them in this style available with different names on them. No doubt they are all built by the same company.
I did go with a high amp wall power supply since they don't come with one and you have to buy it separate.
The newer phones with the big battery need the higher amp power supplies to charge correctly.
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I haven't checked the exact temperature in a while, but it was never more than slightly warm to the touch (which is normal). I do not use the turbo charger with the pad. I use a standard charger.

Thanks for the feedback. I'll try again with a different adapter. Maybe the Turbo adapter output is too much for the pad.

Tap'd from my Droid Turbo

That's probably a good idea. While most devices will regulate the amount of power they need from a charger as to not cause any issues (and Qi charging pads don't need much since they charge at a much lower rate), I would never use a turbo/fast adaptive charger with any device that isn't designed to be used with one. In most cases I wouldn't think there would be a problem, but it's just not something I would personally do.

The turbocharger was designed with three voltages. The first voltage is the standard 5 volts and the current level is sufficient for powering most USB chargeable devices. Having higher current output will not increase the rate of charge if the device isn't drawing that much current. So using the turbo charger with the lowest voltage ( which is automatically selected by the charger based on the device that is connected), will not negatively impact a device that was not designed to work with rapid / quick / turbocharging. The second and third voltages are both elevated voltages as well as elevated current, and they are specifically for turbocharging for quick charge 1.0 and quick charge 2.0 compatibility. In a nutshell, the turbocharger is fully compatible with standard, quick charge 1.0, and quick charge 2.0 Technologies. You can safely use the turbo charger to charge even an OG Droid if you so choose.

Sent from my Droid Turbo on Tapatalk.

Does anyone who has one of these notice a slight chirping noise when charging? I bought the "Qi Infinity" Wireless charging dock that looks EXACTLY the same (maybe just a different company's stamp on it). It had a chirping noise when you listen closely to it (which I could hear at night on my nightstand), so I returned it. I have the 64 GB ballistic naked and was using the OEM Turbo charger with it. I'd try this again if I just got unlucky with a bad one, but if they all chirp, I'll pass. Lemme know, thanks everyone.
Mine does not chirp. I am not using the Turbo charger. I found an older VZW charger plug that puts out 2.5ma.
Mine does not chirp. I am not using the Turbo charger. I found an older VZW charger plug that puts out 2.5ma.

Thanks for the reply. Now I'm curious if it was the Turbo Charger or just a bad dock. Anyone else hear a chirp?
Does anyone who has one of these notice a slight chirping noise when charging? I bought the "Qi Infinity" Wireless charging dock that looks EXACTLY the same (maybe just a different company's stamp on it). It had a chirping noise when you listen closely to it (which I could hear at night on my nightstand), so I returned it. I have the 64 GB ballistic naked and was using the OEM Turbo charger with it. I'd try this again if I just got unlucky with a bad one, but if they all chirp, I'll pass. Lemme know, thanks everyone.
I have one and it does not have a loud chirp.
If you put your ear right next to it you here a very faint chirping noise.
It sits on my bed stand at night and I can't here it at all.
Sounds like you got a bad one or you have really good ears.
Haha, thanks guys. Maybe I'll give it another shot. They also have the Tmvel T3 for $11 more that folds. Decisions, decisions...