Wireless Charging Pants?!


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Oct 6, 2011
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Have you ever thought to yourself, "Gee I sure do wish that when I put my phone in my pocket it would charge."? Yea, Me neither, but now that you mention it I think it would be pretty cool! I love wireless charging. It is just about the only way I charge my Galaxy S7 Edge.

Since QI wireless charging came along there have been companies that have thought outside of the box about ways to charge smartphones. PhoneSalesMan came out with a wireless charging nightstand not too long ago. There has been talks about putting wireless charging in cup holders so your phone could wireless charge as you drive. The only reason these types of things have not been widely adopted is likely because Apple has not adopted the standard.

At any rate there are some pretty amazing wireless charging accessories out there. BauBax has a kickstarter campaign for wirelessly charging pants! The only downside to this is that the pants would actually need to be charged since they only house a 4000mah battery.

I am not so sure the wife is going to want to fold the laundry and also charge the laundry, but I still think the concept is pretty neat. Would this kind of set up be dead weight to you or is this something you might find useful?

via kickstarter
Interesting concept and I could definitely see this being a viable product.

Though, I think pants are less a marketable concept than the purse. Even a coat would be a more likely product, since you typically will get many wears and several years out of a coat, and will wear the same coat many times over in a typical winter month, however you will not be as likely to wear the same pair of pants many times over, so this would require (if you want wireless charging to be in every pants pocket), buying many pairs of their pants.

Given clothing is a fashion statement, since sizes of pants is more dynamic than sizes of coats, and I'm sure other reasons, I would sooner back the purse or a coat than pants.

This is a great idea. Let's put more technology near people's junk that could cause birth defects. I'm not putting anything conductive near the boys. My Droid MAXX would get really hot charging, I can only see the headlines now. "Man burns leg while charging phone", "Robberies on the rise as pants are de-pants for their power", ugh. This could keep going on. I should write more.
This is a great idea. Let's put more technology near people's junk that could cause birth defects. I'm not putting anything conductive near the boys. My Droid MAXX would get really hot charging, I can only see the headlines now. "Man burns leg while charging phone", "Robberies on the rise as pants are de-pants for their power", ugh. This could keep going on. I should write more.

You don't like poached eggs?
You don't like poached eggs?
Love them, hence why I don't have kids but for the other 10billiion people reproducing like rabbits, I'm sure adding some chlorine to the gene pool can't hurt.
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thats what one might call a shocking scenario right there....ground control to major Tom, Dick & Harry walking around saying, is that a wireless charger in your pants or are you ...that'll put some sizzle in your swizzle....thanks for a lovely evening Candy, I really felt that sparks were flying.
Sorry....accidental derailment. Carry on

S5 tap'n
Cool idea; however I think the wirelessly charging purse and cup holder would be better. These items are not exposed to a washer or dryer and as FoxKat stated, will last longer. I keep a 12,000mah power pack in my back pack for my mobile power needs.

I wish phone manufactures should just but big batteries back in phones and we wouldn't have to develop tech like this. A 4000mah battery should be the standard "lite" battery.
Cool idea; however I think the wirelessly charging purse and cup holder would be better. These items are not exposed to a washer or dryer and as FoxKat stated, will last longer. I keep a 12,000mah power pack in my back pack for my mobile power needs.

I wish phone manufactures should just but big batteries back in phones and we wouldn't have to develop tech like this. A 4000mah battery should be the standard "lite" battery.
People want smaller phones not bigger so they have to put smaller batteries in.