WTF?? Gameloft Now Making Android Games?



f you don't know, please red this thread from a few days ago.


Gameloft talks up Android support -- wait, what?

by Alexander Sliwinski

Gameloft announced today it's planning on releasing games for the second generation of Android phones and reiterated its support for the current generation of devices using Google's mobile platform. The affirmation comes a mere weekend after the mega mobile publisher's finance director, Alexander de Rochefort, stated the company planned to "significantly cut" its development for Android devices.

Gameloft's statement today in no way negates Rochefort's words, as the latest release is just some yammering about the second generation devices allowing the development of high definition games, but the timing and its lack of substance is suspect. The executive previously noted the Gameloft sold "400 times" as many games on iPhone as on the Android. Of course, if Google's platform develops a more significant install base, we're sure Gameloft will be happy to invest more and take everyone's money equally.
Saw that coming. Android is getting to much of a following to stop. Didn't believe the first article for a minute.
DROID Army is growing..... I knew Gameloft was coming back too. Android's first 2.0 device just hit consumer hands mere weeks ago... it's only gonna get bigger! With more devices to come Android is gonna be a consumer force!
Like I said...developers do not ignore the masses. I have been saying this all along in multiple threads about this subject.

The previous article was propaganda, most likely pushed from a relationship with AT&T, Sprint, or Apple. Developers listen to the masses. If the masses support--the developers will follow.
I bet this was a case where the finance director spouted off something untrue or completely blew something out of proportion and was later told by the people actually doing the game development to shut up lol It isn't the first time an exec in one division of a tech company said something that was either premature or totally false and out of tune with the rest of the company.