3g mobile hotspot


So I've seen so many different things about this and just want a straight easy answer on these helpful forums...

will using the preinstalled "3g mobile hotspot' app on my D2 charge my account extra ontop of my unlimited data? I saw somewhere it costs an extra 20 a month if you start using the mobile hotspot app

fellow d2 user and loving it


Im gonna say yes using the pre-installed app does charge you. If you open it and go through the set up, then attach a computer. When you open the PCs browser it goes to a Verizon page telling you the price of the service.


Unless you have a business plan, you have a 2 gig limit on hotspot data. After 2 gig its $50 for each additional gig.

/and yes, that isn't a typo... $50 a gig.


You are better off rooting and getting the wireless tether app which will count towards your unlimited data instead of as a broadband connection.


Honestly, if their data plan wasn't so absurdly expensive I'd much rather do it the honest way... but putting such a huge data fee is almost forcing us to 'cheat'.


Unless you have a business plan, you have a 2 gig limit on hotspot data. After 2 gig its $50 for each additional gig.

/and yes, that isn't a typo... $50 a gig.

You mean you can use the hotspot without paying the $20/month up to 2 gigs? I thought you had to purhcase a $20/month special hotspot plan.

What if you have a Business plan, is it more gigage?


No, you pay $20 for the right to make the 3g hotspot work... that $20 gets you 2 free GB of data usage. After you use up 2gb then they charge you extra.

My boss is on a business plan, he thought it was cheaper for that but didn't know the exact details. (nor does he care, since the company is paying for it)


New Member
Well, I had this problem with my Droid 1... I wanted to tether my phone, and thought that I could use my phone because Verizon offered a phone tether option for an extra$ 30 for other phones, such as, a Blackberry. However, I was told by a customer sales rep at Verizon that I cannot tether a Droid.... THROUGH VERIZON. I would have to download an app through the android market that would enable me to tether my phone.

I tried a couple of free ones, and there was a good free one called" Easy tether" but you can only access "public sites", like google and yahoo... no secure sites, at all....

Easy tether offered a" pro" version for only$ 9.99, and so I decided to try it out. I figured I would know if liked it within the first day And if it didn't work for me, at least I would get my money back.

I found that I liked the program, although for set up, you will need to be able to access the Internet from the laptop you want to use, because you will need to download the accompanying program to your computer... I suggest going to Barnes and Noble or some otherplace with wi-fi.

The directions are very simple, and it was only $10... plus a service rep told me to do it, so I definately do not see any problem in using a service like this one.

Hope this helps....


I used to use pdanet paid for a while until I rooted my droid and now use wireless tether (root only application). pdanet is great but you need to connect it usb unless you have bluetooth built in to your laptop or a usb bluetooth adapter.


Has anyone ever been busted for using apps like this? I mean, if Verizon wanted to they could charge you for the data you are stealing? No???

I sometimes wireless tether .5GB/day while traveling. I've read here about people tethering 10GB/month with no repercussions...which I can't fathom unless you're using this to constantly download movies the entire month or something.

Cliffs: No, you won't get in trouble for using Wireless Tether.
Through using a normal app im pretty sure you can't be charged however if you change the dun then you may one day be charged ALOT
Edit: Ive actually heard of someone tethering 150 gigs in a month