A little review of the Droid Maxx vs the LG G2

The transparency works on our AT&T G2. Forgot to check it on the VZW one. Will do that on Tuesday. I like that you can change the settings up of the bar, so the back arrow is on the left like every other phone lol

Sent from my Droid Maxx

Yup the customizing features are a big plus. Some of the things you can do stock usually require root.

Tap'd from my G2
For me it really doesn't matter. When I am in airplane mode I don't worry about getting data anyway. Everything will purge when I take it out of airplane mode.

Perhaps you misunderstood. With AA if you are sending data, such as an email, when you put the phone to sleep the data stream cuts off at the point and the email, as the used example, does not send. When you wake the device gmail will not reinitiate the send.

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s pen aholic in Beast Mode (Notetoo)
Ok after a week I think my decision is becoming clearer. And it is not the way I expected. I thought for sure I was going to stick with the Maxx. But I have been getting tons of freezes and lock-ups with standard Google apps. Even the phone app. I have had to force close many apps over the last few days. Bluetooth reception is shotty and will connect sometimes and other times it won't. And I am having major syncing issues with MyFordTouch. Yeah the batttery life is better but at this point that is about it. And not like the battery life on the G2 is miserable. Think it is time to take a chance and make a change.

Sounds like a defective cell phone. Time for warranty replacement?
Naa think it is a software issue. Have heard of others having issues and a guy I know from VZW said his had issues and they have seen some come in with the issues as well.

Tap'd from my G2
I just got the LG G2 a couple of days ago and can't get it to fully charge (no matter what cable/charger I use, OEM, or otherwise).
Thinking of returning it and getting the Maxx (thanks for your review!) or maybe the HTC One.
Admittedly, I may have gotten a bad unit, I'm not sure I'm that enamored with the G2. Gotta check out in person to see how "bad" the Maxx screen is. ;-)
I just got the LG G2 a couple of days ago and can't get it to fully charge (no matter what cable/charger I use, OEM, or otherwise).
Thinking of returning it and getting the Maxx (thanks for your review!) or maybe the HTC One.
Admittedly, I may have gotten a bad unit, I'm not sure I'm that enamored with the G2. Gotta check out in person to see how "bad" the Maxx screen is. ;-)

Don't make the mistake I did and look at them side by side. The Maxx on it's own looks good. Next to the G2 not so much.
Don't make the mistake I did and look at them side by side. The Maxx on it's own looks good. Next to the G2 not so much.

You make a great point! However, once you stop the side-by-side comparison, the Maxx looks great again.

I ended up getting the Maxx and like it much better than the G2 (battery issues notwithstanding). These things are all a matter of personal preference, of course. Think too many (myself included) spend too much time blindly comparing hardware specifications, always assuming they translate into real-world differences....
I just brought the maxx from BB a few days ago. I'm hard to impress. I tried the g2 in the store. I did not like it. I don't like the buttons in the back and mostly for me the sound quality of the ear piece. (I have nerve damage in my ear) The maxx was fine. As we all say the battery life is great I'm at 50% at 1 day 2 hours. the reception is great, the screen looks great. It's not a 1080P but I don't have my nose to the screen while I watch a movie or reading text. However I can keep the screen on the brightest and not have to worry about the battery. I bet you can't do that with a s4. even though it's a dual core it does run flawless and according to my 6 year old nephew the games run the fastest he has ever seen. I guess that has to do with the quad video card in there.

Now let's talk about the Camera. Is it the best Camera in the world? No. Personally I don't think it's that bad. It's true you don't have much control over how it takes pics. You can't adjust ISO, the White Balance, the resolution, the exposure. The phone has a program that does that. Now if you set the camera on where you can move the focal point that will adjust the exposure. To be honest to me the phone has probably one of the best automatic programs to adjust the camera if you have it set in that mode. The colors are not as deep as the Samsung s4 or the, G2 (I assume since everyone is raving about it) however they are very natural and good. In low lighting and night shots I really like it. I was in Miami the other night and I didn't need to use a flash while taking shots. On one shot (too bad I don't have it I had to format the phone) I was across the street of a low lighted awning attached to a building with letters on it. I was able to see the letters very clearly. Listen is it the best camera no. i had a nokia Lumia which kicked B-- over this camera as far as quality, but I'd never go back to that phone because it's a windows phone. Over all I like the camera. it's 10x better than the older motorola cameras. it's very focused and great in low light the colors are natural (not washed out) this phone has a camera that can only be operated in auto mode and does a pretty good job.

To sum it up. the touchless control, the battery life, the sound quality and the half decent camera. I really like the Motorola Maxx. I'd take it over a Samsung S4 because holding the S4 is like holding a stick of butter and drops to the floor, and the sound quality is robotic on the Sammy. On my old S3 the reception was horrible and I swore I'd never buy another samsung phone. i'd take this over the G2 because i don't like the buttons in the back and the maxx has better sound quality, and I'd take the Maxx over the Droid DNA because of Battery life, better video camera, and even over the Nokia lumia because thats a windows phone, and the video cam does not zoom in and out while taking a video. Yes Yes Yes I'm very happy with the Droid Maxx
Have you tried taking macro picture with maxx camera? Like say depositing check via banking app? You will see how bad camera is :)