Android OS using too much battery


Active Member
Nov 18, 2009
Reaction score
4 hours off charger, 75% battery life, only 22 minutes screen on. Here is my % breakdown
Android OS- 24%
Facebook- 11%
Phone Idle - 8%
Cell Standby - 7%
Twitter- 5%

Why on earth is Android OS so high?!
21 hours off charger, 44% battery life. Here is my % breakdown
[FONT=Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif]Voice calls - 32%
Android OS - 23%
Phone idle - 14%
Screen - 14%
Cell standby - 11%
WiFi - 3%
Bluetooth - 3%
I just finished reading the xda article, excellent article. and I will try to charge to 80 and then see. However, multiple threads on xda as well as other forums are saying that android OS is using too, too much. Hopefully google fixes this.
Heard something about some kernel issues..there probably are some issues that case the battery to drain..which is kind of expected since its a total revamp of the old android, Google is more than likely already on the problem in anycase ^^
In any case, taking short readings that include 100->80% is never reliable with li-on batteries. Just putting it out there :p
21 hours off charger, 44% battery life. Here is my % breakdown
Voice calls - 32%
Android OS - 23%
Phone idle - 14%
Screen - 14%
Cell standby - 11%
WiFi - 3%
Bluetooth - 3%

sounds about the same. Android OS is definitely doing something to keep the CPU awake much longer than it should. If you click on the Android OS process, mine says it kept the phone awake for 1hr 19m and 10s and used 22m of CPU time. Thats just outrageous that it is keeping the phone on for 25% of the time (phone has only been off charger 5 hours)
If you charge it to 100% and take it off charger. Android OS will intentionally burn you down to ~90%..just to prolong the lifespann of the battery. read Your battery gauge is lying to you (and it's not such a bad thing) - xda-developers Its a lovely read :)
Try charging it to 80% (where the battery is the happiest) and see if you still get a high drop because of the android OS

No no no! This is entirely not true. Android OS DOES NOT burn it down. It just doesn't allow the charger to charge all the way to 100%. What this means is if you don't have a 1% battery mod then you will think that the first 10% goes by REALLY quickly. Android OS does not, can not, will not, ever, burn your battery down.

This is a known bug that Google is trying to fix and nothing more. Please ignore the above. While the article is great it does not mean that at all.
So you're saying that the high Android OS% is just wrong? There are many threads on forums about how the OS spawns background threads that are just eating the battery away? How else would my Keep Awake time be 25% of the time my phone has been off charger?
This is a known bug that Google is trying to fix and nothing more. Please ignore the above. While the article is great it does not mean that at all.

^ This. Some phones have a buggy kernel that's keeping Android OS awake for hours on end. These phones have abnormally high OS usage. It's the reason some phones last 6 hours while others last 20-24hrs. Mine is one of the buggy ones. Yesterday my battery lasted 12hrs with a charge halfway through the day. Android OS was kept awake for 8hrs of that time. Definitely not normal. Hopefully we'll get a fix soon cause this really blows!
No no no! This is entirely not true. Android OS DOES NOT burn it down. It just doesn't allow the charger to charge all the way to 100%. What this means is if you don't have a 1% battery mod then you will think that the first 10% goes by REALLY quickly. Android OS does not, can not, will not, ever, burn your battery down.

This is a known bug that Google is trying to fix and nothing more. Please ignore the above. While the article is great it does not mean that at all.
You're partially correct. You're correct with the fact that it doesnt use up unnecessary power and that it cuts it off before it reaches 100%.
BUT in the battery section in the OS it show a total percentage for whatever application that used up the power (hens always equals 100%)
Meaning: the phone reads the gauge at 100% and when it has dropped to ~97% the 3% has to have gone somewhere. This translates to whatever services has been used during that time (from the charger getting unplugged to the updating of the gauge) And so during that time it goes into the android os more than likely. I dont know if this goes automaticly into the android os or if it just gets split up on whatever processes that have been used during that timespan.
Android OS will intentionally burn you down to ~90%..just to prolong the lifespann of the battery.

My Android OS is so thoughtful of my battery's health, it burns it down to shut down after only moderate use after 6 hours.
or flash the custom kernels that fix the problem. Hopefully, Google is taking note for the next update.
What kernels are out that fix this?