'Angry Birds' Developer Creates New In-App Mobile Payment Method for Android


Staff member
Oct 20, 2009
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Rovio, the company that developed the wonderfully addictive 'Angry Birds' mobile gaming app, have created a new mobile payment solution that will come to Android phones soon. The service is an in-app payment solution called, 'Bad Piggy Bank' that allows you to make purchases without a third-party credit card service. According to BGR, "The service partners with local wireless providers and in-app purchases are billed directly to the users wireless account." That seems very convenient... my bank account will be "angry" at me.

by dgstorm
Oh great. I've wanted one of their plush toys since I first saw them. Now its even easier to get one. /cry Must not spend money on useless stuff...
sweet! Those of us with company phones can... oh wait, nevermind... MUAHAHAHAHAHA.... and what? they make the plush birds? must resist...
I've been playing Angry Birds since it came out on the Android. The ROM that I use apparently prevents the ads because today I had to un-root since I'm getting a replacement on Tuesday. I went into Angry Birds and was like "what the heck" because I saw the ads for the first time. Yea, they are a pain but if you run the right ROM, they get removed anyway.

Thanks for the note about payment method for Angry Birds. This will be nice and hopefully others follow suit.
My ROM blocks ads as well.... and I also run 'Ad Block' on top of that.

Maybe overkill, but I don't wanna see any ads!
I would actually prefer to pay with my card. I hope they add the option eventually.
Turn Airplane mode on your phone and POOF no more ads... you will just miss all your calls and txts :icon_ banana: