So, by a show of hands, how many of you out there are sitting on your "amazing" BlackBerry Storm and out of those hands, how many of you are ready to upgrade in the next month or two and run over it with the heaviest vehicle you can find? I know all of us storm users that got them when they came out are at the end of our two-year torture period. Until today, I was so excited about my upgrade Feb 1. I knew I was going to get the Droid X and be happy... Well, so much for that. Here comes this little piece of gold called the Droid Bionic. So I want everyone in the forum if you read this to tell me what I should do. I posted a quick little bit at this in the release date thread, but I wanted to see how many of you guys are out there and what you are planning to do? I just can't take this Blackberry Storm anymore and I want the bionic. So tell me Droid Forum. What should I do?