Apple in-ear headphones ($79 ones) with Droid?


New Member
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
Bethlehem, PA
Hi everybody,

I'm new here and haven't quite gotten my Droid yet (it's en route and should be at my house Monday or Tuesday). I currently have an iPhone that I'm sick of it (works fine, but as a geek, I'm sick of how simple and restrictive it is and how AT&T service sucks) which is why I'm going to eat the ETF ($90 prorated) and get the Droid.

I have a question concerning the headphone jack. I have the $79 headphones from Apple that have the volume and pause/next/prev. button and mic. Even with the iPhone 3G I have, these headphones aren't fully compatible (volume doesn't work, but mic and pause/next/prev. works). Anyone know if this would work with the Droid? I'm sure the audio would work, but what about volume and mic?
Mic should work, play/pause might work but I seriously doubt any of the other functions will work.

This is one of the few things I miss about my storm, if you hold the vol+ button down it goes to next track. Why hasn't anyone else figured this out yet!? This allows switching tracks with gloves on and saves a huge amount of battery.

Hopefully someone will come out with an app or maybe google will figure it out.

If those headphones don't work out for you I would look into the Shure sets, great sound, best fitting buds (they use ear plugs) and you can include/add this which allows you to have a mic on any set of headphones:
No... I just tried the combination, and the volume controls Do Not work with the DROID, though the mic does.

Additionally: The DROID has a pretty powerful output stage, so it drives most earspeakers well, including these.

The Apple (dual driver) IEM works fine if you're seeking an extremely neutral sound, but they're a poor choice if you're after something a bit more lively/fun sounding.

If you primarily listen to pop/rock/rnb/hiphop, look elsewhere, because the Apple units aren't well suited for these genres IMO.

Happy DROIDing​
Thanks for the answers, guys.

Does anyone know if there are earbuds for the droid that provides some kind of similar functionality? Volume control i don't really care about since the Apple earbuds don't work with my iPhone anyway, but what about next track and pause function?
I have some previously hacked iPhone earbuds (replaced the earbuds with the marshmallow ones) and I was able to pause songs only. As far as the mic goes, mine didn't work; I could only hear the caller.
I wonder why they didn't bundle any buds. I know it won't be any good, but a free set with the phone is always nice. Sorry to go off topic!
I wonder why they didn't bundle any buds. I know it won't be any good, but a free set with the phone is always nice. Sorry to go off topic!
I agree. For $200, they could have at least bundled it with a Mic/earbud set like the ones thats included with the iPhones and BlackBerrys.

I have yet to find anything that works 100%, so I'm still searching.