Apple Reinvents The Android Wheel Again During the Iphone 6s Event!


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Well we wouldn't really expect much more from a company whose founding father is quoted as saying "Good artists copy, Great artists steal!". It seems as if the Iphone 6s is just another game changing, ground breaking, innovative, catch up device. The problem is it still hasn't caught up!!!!

Apple doesn't want you to think that this "S" device is just another minor upgrade device, in fact CEO Tim Cook started the Iphone 6s keynote letting us know that while the 6s may look familiar "Everything has changed". So here is what you get with the Iphone 6s in a nutshell, slightly better than 720p display (the Droid DNA did 1080p three years ago), 3D touch the same as force touch released by Huawei last week, a whopping 12mp camera (Galaxy S6 has a 16mp camera), 4K video (this has been a staple in Android devices for over a year now), Live Photos (can you say HTC Zoe), the A9 chip (not confirmed but is possibly still just a dual core processor with possibly 2GB of ram, while Android flagships are now running octacore processors with 4GB of ram with 6GB of ram on the horizon), from a company obsessed with design I was shocked to hear that the Iphone 6s is actually heavier and thicker than the Iphone 6 as well as the Galaxy S6.

This looks like another meh phone from Apple, but you know them Isheep are going to go crazy for it! They will be circling the block for sure.

To be honest I will probably pick one up just out of pure curiosity lol. I will let you guys know if it is all that Apple swears it is. Anyone else have plans to pick this up at midnight on Friday?


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And it's still somewhere gonna have a smoother UI than Samsung and many other android phones... Smh smh

If you understand my comment, you'll understand... If not, then you don't understand the concept...


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Yawn.....another year another Apple device playing "catch up" to Android and calling it "revolutionary". It's really quite sad how far they've fallen since Jobs passed away. (May he rest in peace) another "Yawn" for good measure. How can these iSheep live with themselves? Oh well, whatever bakes their Apple.


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I for one have no problem with a little thicker and heaver phone. They all are making them thinner and more difficult to hold onto, so what's the first thing you do? go out and buy a case and put the the phone in them. And if they make them thicker perhaps it's a perfect opportunity to put a bigger battery in them also.

Jonny Kansas

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I posted this in the thread where some of us were commenting during their event, but I'll leave it here again...

Force Touch? Android has had that for years - Pocketnow

Android has had "Force Touch" capabilities since Eclair, in 2009. This article really is a good read and I find it funny, because a LOT of videos I've seen by PocketNow, especially by Jaime Rivera (sp?) seem to very Apple-biased.


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Sad how people will Line up around the block like its Black Friday for these Apple Devices. I agree with the previous comments and that Apple has not done anything Innovative since Jobs Passed and the Larger screen was not innovative and Apple Owners felt it was. It simply was a time to Copy the Larger Android Phones which Jobs quoted targeting the Original Note as being to large and no one would buy it. He must be Rolling since the iPhone 6 Plus Released and has a larger Footprint than other Phablets.
Personally the only thing that Apple has Right is the Reliability & Stability of iOS but if Vendors would just Stop with their Crap UI and just go Pure Android we may see a different ballgame but this is a continued Subject and for the most part wont change.
My home is Android Home and there will be no iOS devices allowed :).

Jonny Kansas

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I thought, and maybe this was just a rumor, that Jobs left them with like a "roadmap" and at least the next few years worth of what he wanted to see in their devices?

Maybe I misread something somewhere. Or are we already beyond what he would've left them? Of course, it's not entirely crazy to think they may have taken his plans into consideration, but also watched the market to decide if that was really where they should go.

Speaking of Steve, I watched the "Steve Jobs: Man in the Machine" documentary the other day. Interesting. They didn't paint him in the Holy light that "Jobs" did and brought up a lot of stuff I either didn't know or didn't remember. Though I'm an android fanboy, I'm looking forward to the new movie (as opposed to documentary) coming up. Woz was quoted as saying that they got it pretty right and that he even kinda felt like he was watching Jobs on screen. That one's also rumored to not paint him in such a glorifying light.


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I have to stick up for Apple. I'm sorry.

1- Sure, Android may have had "Force Touch" in the software, but who has implemented it? No one.
Do I think it's going to be pretty lame? Yea. But Apple WILL implement it right.
Inside the Design Labs Where the iPhone's Coolest New Feature Was Built

the Larger screen was not innovative and Apple Owners felt it was.

There are SO many WRONG assumptions made about Apple fans (sorry, I refuse to use the word SHEEPLE). No body, Not ONE Apple fan thought a large screen was innovative. Not one. To say otherwise is ridiculous. Unless you live in a cave you know damn well Apple was clearly joining the trend that EVERY SINGLE other phone manufacturer was following. Everyone was well aware that Sammy was making larger phones and the Apple fans wanted that.

Now there are many features Android has that Apple fans might have thought were first on Apple but these are not well known or well publicized.
Example: Google Wallet. Ever seen a commercial for that? Hmmmm, why is it not that successful??? Google is still SO clueless about advertising. How? I don't get it.

To be honest I will probably pick one up just out of pure curiosity lol.

You are outta your mind! :p

And it's still somewhere gonna have a smoother UI than Samsung and many other android phones...

Absolutely true in the pre KK days on many phones. Today? Not so much.

Jonny Kansas

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From the article I linked above, referring to Force Touch...

How is this useful? It’s not, really. It just adds a level of complexity to a user experience.

Hiding user-interface elements behind a “force-press” (or even a right-click) is counter-intuitive. Requiring users to exert a certain level of pressure on their screens to find one of those hidden features is even more problematic.
I agree with this completely. Your average iphone user will likely not even know these "hidden" menus and features are there for a long time. It kinda reminds me of a few years or so ago when android oems and app devs were struggling with hamburger/three dot/whatever you want to call them menus. It was VERY inconsistent what kinds of things you'd find in each individual app's menu, if they offered a menu at all. That got confusing and almost frustrating at times. I feel like force touch features like "peek and pop" or whatever they're calling them are going to confuse the majority of people who just have an iphone because, iphone.


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As far as that Roadmap left my Jobs. If Siri was giving Directions then that would be why they went off course. Lol


Droid Does
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The UI on my Note Edge is much more fluid and snappier than on my i6 Plus. They went with 2GB of ram for a reason this time (if the rumor is true).

Once the press get their promo devices and post up their reviews you will find the same tired story. The best camera! What a nice screen! It feels great in your hand! Apple does it again!

They make great products and if it weren't for the lack of customization I would probably stick with their phones since I own a MBP. But they won't budge until they can snowball everyone into thinking it wasn't time for 3GB of ram yet, 3 years from now.

iOS 9 better be what they promised...bug and performance fixes. iOS 8 has been terrible.


Diamond Member
Jan 25, 2010
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From the article I linked above, referring to Force Touch...

I agree with this completely.

I read it and I agree/disagree.
Counter intuitive. Agree. The rest? Not so much.

I see this becoming something like TWIST TO CAM on my Turbo. When I first heard of TWIST TO CAM, I thought. #SoLame What a dumb gimmick. Now? I'd be LOST without it. I'm not even sure what the camera icon looks like anymore.
And yes, before I had a Turbo I even tried some 3rd party apps that did the same thing. I really looked into this. NOT ONE implemented it as well as Moto did on the Turbo. That ONE stupid feature COULD be enough to make me choose Moto next time. Maybe.
3DT may never become a huge hit, but I bet for a lot of people, this will also become MUST HAVE. And THAT, my friends, is what Apple is always been really about: making you customers 4 LYFE!

Jonny Kansas

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I read it and I agree/disagree.
Counter intuitive. Agree. The rest? Not so much.

I see this becoming something like TWIST TO CAM on my Turbo. When I first heard of TWIST TO CAM, I thought. #SoLame What a dumb gimmick. Now? I'd be LOST without it. I'm not even sure what the camera icon looks like anymore.
And yes, before I had a Turbo I even tried some 3rd party apps that did the same thing. I really looked into this. NOT ONE implemented it as well as Moto did on the Turbo. That ONE stupid feature COULD be enough to make me choose Moto next time. Maybe.
3DT may never become a huge hit, but I bet for a lot of people, this will also become MUST HAVE. And THAT, my friends, is what Apple is always been really about: making you customers 4 LYFE!
Oh yeah, I'm not saying that "power users" and/or people who know what they're doing with tech won't enjoy it. It reminds me of a long-press on android. I've met many people with an android device that have/had no idea that you can long press on many things to get more options or a menu like a right-click.

I just see it being complicated the way they described it. Touch for info, touch harder for more. I get the feeling people are going to be confused when they're a little upset and push too hard on the first try and the "softer" touch menu doesn't appear. I may be way off and maybe I'm misunderstanding the whole peek and pop concept, but I can see that being frustrating when you want one menu and get the other until you get the pressure thing figured out just right. Hopefully they've set the sensitivity and levels of pressure between each adequately for the average user...


Thunderbolt Rescue Squad
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I have to stick up for Apple. I'm sorry.

1- Sure, Android may have had "Force Touch" in the software, but who has implemented it? No one.
Do I think it's going to be pretty lame? Yea. But Apple WILL implement it right.
Inside the Design Labs Where the iPhone's Coolest New Feature Was Built.

There was a reason it wasn't implemented. Problem is, from a user standpoint, it is way too complicated. An average, non-techy user makes up the majority of iPhone users. I can already hear the complaints now...

"My iPhone's broken. Keeps bringing up this stupid menu over my apps. I swear I didn't touch anything."

"How come I have to press harder to get somewhere? Why don't I just tap?"

"Every time I tap on a photo it wants me to do this stupid 'peek' nonsense. Can't I just turn it off? I want tap!"

I sort of make it analogous to those who used to use typewriters before computers. No matter how much you tell them they don't have to bang on the keys...they still do. Took me over 4 years to convince my lovely grandma to get rid of that habit. Those were computers though, these are phones. I can almost guarantee there isn't going to be any patience when trying to 'learn something new.' Heck, I still get complaints on how TouchID is still too complicated for most people to set up so they don't use it. Better yet, iCloud is even more of a 'Wild West' to most users.Those are just side features too, this will be a main feature that is baked into the OS (not to mention hardware) and looks like it can't be turned off.

Don't even get me started on the Pencil.


Diamond Member
Jan 25, 2010
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Cleveland, Ohio
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Oh yeah, I'm not saying that "power users" and/or people who know what they're doing with tech won't enjoy it. It reminds me of a long-press on android.

If I had a nickle for every time I long pressed on my wife's iPhone to get it to do something..,.. :D

Don't even get me started on the Pencil.

BWAHAHAHAHA! Now THAT!!! Of course it's $99.