Back to stock?

It is running in rsdlite now, thanks for the quick reply. You never think when you root (and don't make a backup) that you will need to do this.
Ugh, so its running rsdlite and the liberty logo just popped up on my phone again, im assuming this isnt good news.
Indeed, and then totally froze up. I started to flash .sbf with rsdlite again... hopefully I didn't screw things up.
if you can get in the bootloader and start the flash then you didn't screw anything up too bad. i'm just curious as to why it would start to boot up in the middle of the flash. you're sure it wasn't finished with the flash?
Maybe it wasn't and I got a little hasty, I will keep you updated. I just kind paniced when I saw the liberty logo again, haha.
On the phone it says:

SW Update
In progress..

Just give it some time. If it's anything like flashing a new rom, it's going to take time. Just make sure you don't disconnect the USB or power it down too soon otherwise you will have a shiny new brick.

Good Luck! :)
The phone is on and looks stock, it says to manually power up phone, so I turned it off / on and the liberty boot screen came up again.
I started over again. Now the phone is on and looks normal. RSD Lite is telling me to "Please manually power up this phone" do I just let it run for a while?
if everything else looks stock then i wouldn't worry about the boot image. it happens. i can give you some instructions to manually get rid of it.
Eh, it is just the bootscreen... annoying. I would really, really appreciate the instructions. Man, you guys are awesome, how can I repay you?