Battery charging issue- "Battery Low, Cannot Program"


New Member
Oct 23, 2010
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I'm experiencing an issue with trying to charge/turn on my Droid 2. I've had it plugged in all night in the wall charger; it was on when I went to bed as I use the alarm function. Well, the alarm never went off (thank you for backup alarms!), so I checked my phone- the screen was blank. When I tried to turn it on, I got the message below:


Battery Low
Cannot Program

The charging light was on, so it's not an issue with the wall outlet not giving power. I have done nothing with my phone except typical calls and internet access, so I'm not sure if this is a software issue.

The phone is now plugged into the USB port on this PC, but is still giving me the same message. The white light showing that it is drawing power is on.

I'd appreciate any help!
You'll need to charge the battery externally to make sure the software didn't glitch. Know anyone with a Droid you could borrow the battery from or do you have a spare? Try plugging the phone into another power source to make sure it's not the one you have it plugged into, as well.