Battery Question


Jul 5, 2010
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I am always of the opinion if it looks to good to be true, it probably is. Batteries sell for 39 bucks each by themselves and you are getting two and a portable charger. If they are legit they are probably hot, and I wouldn't think your battery would last a month in your glove box with the heat.
Looks legit to me. And i wouldnt keep a battery in my glovebox. Well i think it'd get too hot and ruin it maybe? But thats just me, i try not to let my electronics get excessively hot or cold
I am always of the opinion if it looks to good to be true, it probably is. Batteries sell for 39 bucks each by themselves and you are getting two and a portable charger. If they are legit they are probably hot, and I wouldn't think your battery would last a month in your glove box with the heat.

Yes car heat drains the batteries pretty fast. had a brand new ipod touch in the car for 4 hours in the hot sun on a full charge the battery was completly dead.

I have a quistion. The ipod came with a full charge to the battery does the droid x come with a full charge.plugged in my coworkers droid x when he got his last week. seem to have full bars on his DX I am being patient on the phone coming but when I get it I just want to tear into it.
Mine had about 70 percent charge on it.
I am always of the opinion if it looks to good to be true, it probably is. Batteries sell for 39 bucks each by themselves and you are getting two and a portable charger. If they are legit they are probably hot, and I wouldn't think your battery would last a month in your glove box with the heat.

Well they arent brand new batteries, i think they are refurbished or something, whatever aftermarket means.

Let me ask this then, do you think the charger is legit? Because that is what i truly care about. I certainly dont want to put anything into my X though if it;s going to kill it.

And are there any other stand alone chargers that anyone knows of?
Aftermarket means they are not made by Motorola, not sure on the charger, again that will not be made my Motorola but if it has the same output "should" be ok.
If you noticed, they are out of Hong Kong and are most likely from the same place that manufactures the OEM batteries for Motorolla. Sometimes you have to be careful when dealing with a member out of China but most of the time they are legit and you can get some pretty good deals on the real stuff that is either labeled differently or with no labels at all.
awesome, well i'll give them a try and let you guys know what i think about them.