Bionic and 3G


Jan 22, 2011
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Would it benifit me to get the Droid Bionic I'm not in a 4G area yet? I really like the phone but I dont want to get it if its not going to perform well. Not sure when 4G will be in Richmond VA.
Would it benifit me to get the Droid Bionic I'm not in a 4G area yet? I really like the phone but I dont want to get it if its not going to perform well. Not sure when 4G will be in Richmond VA.

I just got my bionic 12 days ago. I'm IN a 4G area and yet my signal strength is low and I've had a few times that I cannot connect to browser AND 3G doesn't click on! Getting kind of irritating. Called verizon today and was told to make sure & keep my wifi OFF because it was "fighting" with the signal??!! WIERD. If your not in a known 4G area, I would wait.
There have been reports of people having 3G connectivity issues. There is a new OTA that will soon be released. I've tried two of the leaked versions and both fixed all issues.

Just get the phone and run in "CDMA only" mode.
I've had my Bionic since launch week and don't live in a 4G area. I keep the 4G radio off and haven't had any problems with 3g dropping at all. I don't think it affects all the Bionics. I recently upgraded to the leaked .893 update and have had some radio problems since but nothing in the last few days. The problems I had after upgrading were upon a reboot sometimes it wouldn't connect to 3g at all until I rebooted again. It has since stopped doing that and no problems since.
I say get it. I live in a 4G area, and generally I leave it on that. But, whenever I leave the city I always switch to 3G, even when heading up to Charlotte or someplace so that I can preserve my battery. I've yet to have much of a problem with either connection. And if it does drop out, nothing a quick airplane mode or RARELY a reboot won't fix. Is it ideal? No. But the phone is well worth the few moments of frustration that a dropped signal entails. However, if you're not in dire need of a new phone, I would wait for the nexus/rezound/razr to drop and compare them all before making a decision.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk
Depends what you have now. If you have a DX2 then probally not a good upgrade. If you have an OG droid like I had the bionic is leaps and bounds ahead. Keeping my phone on 3g I get crazy battery life :D But I always have it on 4G lol.
With the others, depends on your phone. I enjoy it but i'm in a 4g area. Haven't noticed any real slowdowns in 3g though.
My 3G is typically faster than AT&T's vaunted 3g. And that is running ip4's, atrix, etc. Zippy!!

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