Bionic Release Date Fact


Jul 21, 2011
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Phoenix, AZ
Maybe it's because it has been a few months and people are forgetfull or just don't research very well. I honestly do not know how people get so angry about what they have made up in their own minds, never once has the new iteration of the Motorola Driod Bionic, designated XT875 ever been delayed.

Straight from Motorola, it has been stated that this phone has been slated for a September Release.

The New DROID BIONIC: Coming Soon - Fact Sheets - Motorola Mobility, Inc.

This was relased back on April 19th, 2011, and it clearly states:

"In collaboration with Verizon Wireless, we are expecting to launch DROID BIONIC this September."

So why all the animosity towards Verizon and Moto about this device being "Delayed" and that they "Missed the Mark", they have never once strayed from what was officially released.

All of this Mob Mentality starts from one person stating something that they have no clue about and everyone jumps in and believes it.

What is wrong with some of you people


  • Moto Bionic.pdf
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Agreed. People need to chill. It's just a phone. If you're tired of waiting, get a different phone. End of story.
Dude. You can't be serious? You do realize that page gas been edited for te september release? Do you know how many thousands of people have seen that article? It has never stated a September release until now.
I'm almost positive that it said "this summer" and not "this September" when this memo was first released.
Maybe it's because it has been a few months and people are forgetfull or just don't research very well. I honestly do not know how people get so angry about what they have made up in their own minds, never once has the new iteration of the Motorola Driod Bionic, designated XT875 ever been delayed.

Straight from Motorola, it has been stated that this phone has been slated for a September Release.

The New DROID BIONIC: Coming Soon - Fact Sheets - Motorola Mobility, Inc.

This was relased back on April 19th, 2011, and it clearly states:

"In collaboration with Verizon Wireless, we are expecting to launch DROID BIONIC this September."

So why all the animosity towards Verizon and Moto about this device being "Delayed" and that they "Missed the Mark", they have never once strayed from what was officially released.

All of this Mob Mentality starts from one person stating something that they have no clue about and everyone jumps in and believes it.

What is wrong with some of you people

Guards!!! Seize him and burn him at the stake for heresy!!!!!
The more people who are not getting the bionic means the more I don't have to worry about this phone being sold out when I get it
You mean just like every other page that gets edited and everyone is so quick to debunk it or belive it?

Sorry but this has been the same page since April 19th, has not been changed.
So believe it or don't believe it, it's what you'll do anyway, you already have your mind set and at this point, doesn't look like anything else can change it regardless.
Actually, the original did say summer, and it says it was published January 5th, 2011 (the day of CES) so that's obviously wrong. It was actually published at the end of April. So YES, these pages DO get edited. Here's an article with a pic of the original.

Official: The

Boom, roasted.
Well, with the date of Jan, 5th, that would have been refering to the original phone tagged "Droid Bionic" which was cancelled and wasn't that phones original release date supposed to be First Quarter?
So again I say, believe what you want to believe (fact or not), it is what most people do anyway.

I'm still exicted about the phone and that is going to be my next upgrade.
(isn't that all that really matters anyway?) :)
Agreed, I'm super excited too. I think it will be my new device no matter what is rumored to be launching after.
I think it was supped to be in the 2nd Q.... said Summer. I think most ppl wanted it to come the beginning of has to be the problem.

Or Summer that means not back in school, June thru Aug. The official Summer ends Sept. 22 and Summer doesnt officially start entil June 21,22.

All this is according to some sites about the seasons.

So why do ppl keep saying delayed, delayed, delayed again? Aug was never an official date, that was all rumors...
I think it was supped to be in the 2nd Q.... said Summer. I think most ppl wanted it to come the beginning of has to be the problem.

Or Summer that means not back in school, June thru Aug. The official Summer ends Sept. 22 and Summer doesnt officially start entil June 21,22.

All this is according to some sites about the seasons.

So why do ppl keep saying delayed, delayed, delayed again? Aug was never an official date, that was all rumors...

because unfortunately people take rumors as 100% fact.
Of course we could all wait till 2016 and get an octoquad processor, 64 GB's of onboard memory (expandable to 128GB), realtime full holographic projection screen, Psi-link direct brain interface, and it'll make you an expresso. :)
Didn't the CEO of Motorola Mobility (or his spokesperson) tell the world that due to feedback from the 2011 CES just shortly after the CES, that they were delaying the release of the Droid Bionic?

So, if the CEO himself says the Bionic was delayed, then it's good enough for me.
