bionic rock bottom


Oct 12, 2012
Reaction score
I m sooooo over this phone. Ics update has helped, but is is so sluggish now. Don't know how to fix. Some apps take a few secs to open. Google search gets hung up when typing. Camera takes forever to open and even longer to snap a pic. To top it all off, hhg sales this phone for,$1! Upgrade can't come fast enough. Hopefully iphone will be able to talk and surf on verizon on next version. Good night!
You should root your bionic and run a custom ROM . makes all the difference in the world. Let me know if you need any help.
I factory reset after ics update and bionic has never ran faster and smoother
I did a factory reset after the ICS update. That seems to work pretty well for a while. I will try that again before going to custom ROM route. Thanks for the feedback. It was helpful. Have a great day.
You may have seen this elsewhere on the forum, but did you modify the 2 developer options for animation from 1.0 to 0.5? That seems to help performance considerably.
i have the same exact problem on my launch day stock ics bionic. already factory reset once, cleared cache, set developer options to 0x, etc. might try a custom rom - any links on a walk through? really just want a phone that is not super sluggish and will hold a charge for more than a few hrs
Download the app called lag fix from the play store and run it once a day. Its helped my phone considerably. You can buy the premium version to automate the script if you want.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC
Shadow..finally someone who feels my pain! Our phones must've been out of the same lot! I have the Mega extended battery. Best $25 I spent related to this phone.

Will try the sluggish app and see what it does.
Five minutes of your time and a USB cable will get you root. Super easy one click script.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC
I just downloaded LagFix, installed, cleared data, ran it... Don't see much of a difference at all in the sluggishness of my Bionic. The program ran for a whole, screen turned off, then I checked the phone about 20 minutes later, and the program was closed and the home screen was up.

Not sure if the screen turning off messed it up or not, but there's no noticeable difference. Maybe I did something wrong?
Try to run it again. The script should say trimming was successful when it finishes. It shouldn't take more than 5 minutes to run. You are rooted correct?

Sent from my DROID BIONIC
That's never affected the process for me. My phone runs it in the background once a day.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC