Browse local intranet


New Member
Nov 7, 2010
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I'm trying to browse my local intranet while i'm using the wireless connection, but it keeps pushing me to google search. Is there a way to push my browser to view the intranet? we just browse to http://intranet to view our internal web. So i'm not sure what's going on.

Any insight?

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I haven't personally tried what you are describing, but my guess would be that it is a DNS issue.

Your Droid is most likely not using a local intranet DNS server, so it doesn't know how to resolve the IP address for your local intranet server.

From what I have read in other threads, you must have root access to modify the HOSTS file on your Droid. You can add an entry in the HOSTS file for the IP address of your local intranet web server.
i was just goofing around with this so i'll toss my two cents in. Similarly, i was trying to access my sharepoint intranet server, which is not accessible via carrier, unless VPN is connected.

it seems to be completely related to DNS, in particular DNS suffix, doesnt seem to get attached to the device's WLAN adapter from DHCP, nor is there an option to add it statically.

* i tried using static ip address, so i can add static DNS servers. this didnt help.
* I added the host header "" on my sharepoint site. This initially connected, but it just redirected back to "http://intranet" and i do not feel like changing the URL in the web application.
* having a rooted phone: editing hosts file works just fine.

so it seems my options are either:
1) root devices to connect
2) change intranet site to include a FQDN