Chromecast Roundup: Time's Best Gadget; Android Mirroring & Nexus TV


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

We have three news blasts to share regarding the Chromecast today, so here's a quick round-up of them. First, the Chromecast was just named as Time's Best Gadget of the Year. It's not surprising consider the incredible popularity of the device and the incredible response it has received from consumers and the media. The Chromecast beat out a powerful pedigree of other gadgets in the top 10, including the newest iPads in 2nd place, the Oculus Rift development kit in 3rd, and even the Amazon Kindle Fire HDX in 7th place. To check out all of the different gadgets on their list, here's a link: Time

The second interesting news flash for the Chromecast will make it even better than it already is. The famed developer Koushik “Koush” Dutta, found something intriguing hidden within the Android 4.4.1 code. Android mirroring may soon be coming soon to the Chromecast. Right now, mirroring only works with a PC, but Android tablets and smartphones may soon receive a similar feature if the data contained within the Android 4.4.1 APIs is accurate. ~Google+ - Koushik Dutta

The final news piece is only indirectly related to the Chromecast. There are insider reports that Google has been so thrilled with the success of the Chromecast, they are working on a new set top box solution called Nexus TV. This new version of Google TV will allow users to play content from Netflix, Hulu, and YouTube. It will also allow access to some of the same features and functions as Chromecast and even might include some limited game functionality. ~BGR