CWM to Safestrap?

Buster Nuts

New Member
Mar 22, 2010
Reaction score
Have we figured this one out yet? Tried searching but all I am coming up with is the SBF route, which I'd rather not do... Currently running stock/rooted with some font tweaks, etc and had the market version of 'Droid 3 Recovery Bootstrap'. I uninstalled that sucker, then installed the 1.08 Safestrap. I restart, get the Safestrap splashscreen, hit menu, and right back to the splashscreen, hit menu a second time screen, every time. It never gets to recovery and I have to pull battery and boot normally by hitting search or waiting 10 sec.

Obviously, the problem appears to be that the old Bootstrap is NOT completely removed. How the heck do I get rid of that turd without SBF'ing? I really like my current stock setup and want to keep that as my non-safe system (I have backups I made with CWM), but if I SBF, I lose my current system (back to bone stock) and then even if I re-root and install Safestrap, I have no way to flash my current backup to the non-safe system since Safestrap doesn't allow that.


Thanks all!

FYI: This is the version of CWM I was using
This is for the Tweaked Strap, but take a look for the files. This may help.

To uninstall D3bootstrap:
1. Uninstall the app, from OS settings menu.
2. Using a file explorer with root capabilities, navigate to /system/bin
3. Find 2 files, logwrapper and logwrapper.bin
4. Delete logwrapper.
5. Rename logwrapper.bin to logwrapper
6. You are now ready to install SafeStrap.

If it doesn't help, let us know.
Well, I tried this yesterday and it did not work, but I figured what the hell, I'll give it another go...and it worked!

Here is what I did differently, in case anyone else is having issues....

1. Yesterday, instead of deleting logwrapper, i renamed it to "logwrappe_" whereas today, I deleted the crap out of it.
2. Yesterday, I did NOT reboot in between the delete/rename and installing Safestrap, whereas today I completely powered off and turned the phone back on before installing Safestrap
3. Yesterday, after installing Safestrap, I used Quickboot to reboot, whereas today I powered the phone off completely using the power button then turned it back on

Not sure which step made the difference but I know that yesterday it did NOT work and today it if anyone else hits similar issues, there you go....perhaps its just something little you are doing that is causing problems. In any event, thanks for help man, I appreciate it!

This is for the Tweaked Strap, but take a look for the files. This may help.

To uninstall D3bootstrap:
1. Uninstall the app, from OS settings menu.
2. Using a file explorer with root capabilities, navigate to /system/bin
3. Find 2 files, logwrapper and logwrapper.bin
4. Delete logwrapper.
5. Rename logwrapper.bin to logwrapper
6. You are now ready to install SafeStrap.

If it doesn't help, let us know.
Quickboot might have caused the problem. I've heard its not good to use.

"Stay classy Interwebz"
Quickboot might have caused the problem. I've heard its not good to use.

"Stay classy Interwebz"

If I remember right, I heard somewhere that "reboot into recovery" doesn't work with Safestrap. But that could be my memory failing. LOL

Anyways, glad to hear you got it working.
Same issue, no fix

I hate to resurrect an old thread, but I am encountering this exact same issue. I never installed another bootstrap program, but safestrap still just hits a blank screen until I pull the battery. I tried the above methods, but nothing worked.

Any ideas?
How long have you been rooted and what SW version are you on?
Sorry, the SW version of your phone is what I want to know
If anyone has any further ideas on this, I would love to hear. I'm keen on trying out the new Cyanogenmod 9 Build for D3.