Cyanogen Mod 7


Double D's

Yes Hello I had a few prob's w/ Rom Manager b4 just kept wiping and backed up apps/files w/ Root Tools , then just dwlded Root Tools first and restored Apps. and started playing w/ themes, and all I can say is this Rom is Tits! Thanx to all who worked on this!:icon_ worthless:


r u on windows 7? my laptop is on windows 7 and i cant sbf. it recognizes my phone but fails immediately. i use my desktop which is running xp and it works great.

I'm on Windows 7, and I've SBF'd numerous times without fail.

Same here - Win7 64bit.

I have Win 7 x64 and had problems before too. It wouldn't recognize my phone, even if I clicked "run as administrator". Had to boot up my XP virtual machine to get it done. I had RSD Lite 4.8 at that time though, so maybe that was fixed in 4.9.


:bday2:DROID2 Gets Official CM7, Nightlies Should Start Tonight

On 06.29.11, In DROID2, News, Root (unlock), by Kellex

DROID2 owners, get ready for nightly builds of the CM7 port that JBirdVegas has been working so diligently on. According to @cvpcs, they are bringing it all over and will merge it into the CM tree to make it an officially supported device. It’s already showing up on GitHub under CM, so you’ll want to make sure you have ROM Manager premium for easy access to all of the nightly work that will be done. Pretty big day for D2 owners who have been feeling a little left out after seeing the DROIDX get both official Gingerbread and CM7 long ago.
Anything to say, D2 owners?
Cheers Brian, Gordon and Christian!


Windows vista actually and no problems with flashing back to stock 2.2 froyo just the bootloader so stumped right now

Sent from my DROID2 using DroidForums


boot into recovery (hold x and press power button, then press volume up when you see the android) and wipe data/factory reset.

I almost forgot to do that the other night when I sbf'd my phone, and ran into the same thing. Wouldn't get past the boot screen until I did it.


Turns out that it doesn't matter which bootloader you are on either, as long as you use the 2.3.20 sbf file. I was on D2.37 and had no problem doing it.


Yes Hello I had a few prob's w/ Rom Manager b4 just kept wiping and backed up apps/files w/ Root Tools , then just dwlded Root Tools first and restored Apps. and started playing w/ themes, and all I can say is this Rom is Tits! Thanx to all who worked on this!:icon_ worthless:

How do you change fonts?

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