DEAL: Aukey Wireless Sport Headphones $9.99

The wife looked at the check book today and saw all my spending on Amazon this month. I told her don't go away on vacation for a week with the test of the family next year and I won't spend a bunch of time on Amazon buying stuff .
In my defense, my Jabra Motion, that's a daily multiple times user decided to crap out, I needed a hard hat for work, extra sweat bands for it ,while she was away so the $10 for the Aukeys during that week was minimal compared to the "needs". The other Aukeys that I spoke of a few posts up haven't been charged yet so I guess she'll fuss at me next month too.

Support Our Troops!!!
Beast Mode 4

Well I got an email stating my headphones were delivered before they were delayed !?!?. I contacted Amazon and all they can do is offer me a refund on the headphones now as well as they have already refunded the shipping. They said they'll refund the shipping again if I order again with overnight shipping but they can't guarantee that they won't use Lasership this time so I'm not sure if I'm even going to bother ordering again. Lasership has botched quite a few of my orders and I cringe every time I see they're the ones shipping. They're always late, usually leave it by the street if even at the right house or like this order they've lost them before.
Oh well.

Support Our Troops!!!
Beast Mode 4

Guess what showed up today after they refunded me yesterday?
Not 1 pair but 2.
I'm gonna do a review in a new thread when I get a few minutes. They sound as good as the ones in the op but are Tones style.

Support Our Troops!!!
Beast Mode 4

Guess what showed up today after they refunded me yesterday?
Not 1 pair but 2.
I'm gonna do a review in a new thread when I get a few minutes. They sound as good as the ones in the op but are Tones style.

Support Our Troops!!!
Beast Mode 4

Can you post a pic of the tone style ones? I broke one side of my tine infinim and I'm not about to spend that money Again.

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