Does Bionic's lack of RAM matter?


New Member
Feb 12, 2011
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I was super disappointed when I heard the Bionic would only have 512 MB of RAM. Why would they give the Atrix a full gig but skimp on the Bionic, especially in light of the news that both will support the laptop docking feature? It made me seriously think about getting the Thunderbolt, but I've changed my mind on that (which is a different issue entirely). Anyway, my question is, do you think that 512 MB of DDR2 RAM will be enough, or will the Blur-filled Bionic run into memory issues?
I had the same thought.

There's been a ton of disappointing news lately on upcoming phones. It's almost like companies are careful not to make a phone that has EVERYTHING. There's always something missing.
From what people are saying the Atrix only uses DDR, while the bionic uses DDR2. Honestly I doubt the fact that the phone only has half a gig of ram will matter at all.
The Atrix is also partitioned... 512 is for the Webtop OS and the other 512 is for the phone's OS.... it's not like either is taking advantage of the full 1gig.
martin is correct...the ATRIX is essentially running 2 OS's simulataneously. It needs the extra RAM
yes it does matter. DDR Ram(everything else) + DDR2 Ram (DB) x dual core processor (DB) = Win for DB dancedroid
I read that in testing, it was very hard to get anything available on android to push a phone to use all 512mb of ram. The consensus was that 512 was plenty.
I had the same thought.

There's been a ton of disappointing news lately on upcoming phones. It's almost like companies are careful not to make a phone that has EVERYTHING. There's always something missing.

I totally agree with this. My dream phone will never exist because they always leave one thing off to make you buy the next great thing.
I had the same thought.

There's been a ton of disappointing news lately on upcoming phones. It's almost like companies are careful not to make a phone that has EVERYTHING. There's always something missing.

I totally agree with this. My dream phone will never exist because they always leave one thing off to make you buy the next great thing.

I have never seen life provide anyone with the perfect solution that fits their every whim and fancy.

Every phone has its trade offs, every car has its tradeoffs - unless you're prepared to build everything yourself. Maybe one day we could build our own phones like a DIY computer but given the control the carriers exert this will likely never happen.
Design your own phone like designing your own Nike shoe. Now that's a concept...

I'll take some of that, and some of this... and all of those... and put it in one phone, and name it whatever you want. :D
For sure theyre making it so no phone has everything. They want you to buy new phones every year.