Droid 2 Global Native Exchange Calendar versus Touchdown


New Member
Dec 2, 2010
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I am new to the Droid world and have done a lot of searching but cannot find any clear answers, trying to understand if Touchdown will help these at all, I am using the native Exchange sync now:

* Calendar Sync - I have an issue with some calendar entries not being synched... these include items I added myself on my desktop, oyther items show up, some are not... after one appointment was over, it replicated to the phone and I got the meeting reminder. Is there a limit to how many meetings can be on a single day, or how many can be in the same timeslot (i have a lot of overlapping meetings).

* Reply Icon - I notice that on my Windows Mobile phone when I did a reply on the phone, I got that Reply icon on my Outlook after it sync'd... on the Droid I do not see them, so it becomes confusing if I have replied or not... does Touchdown fix this?

* Unable to Send - I now have 8 items in my Outbox that Droid has failed to send, and I cannot do anything with them - cannot delete them, cannot retry to send, no idea what to do about it. Does Touchdown fix this?

* Push Email - I often have to force a sync, from other posts it appears this is a known problem and Touchdown does not have this issue?

* Corp Directory - I have read conflicting things about whether the Touchdown app will allow full access to the GAL - does it? I need to have this...

Anything else specific to Calendar and Email that would be a selling point of Touchdown versus the native Exchange support for a Droid 2 Global?

Thanks in advance.
Yes - if you use the Paid TouchDown app you will not have any of these issues
you download the Free app and it's good for a week, then you have to download the key and pay, but it is well worth it. If you don't like Touchdown after trial - don't buy, but I think you will like it. I have been using touchdown since Last Nov when the phone came out. the Widgets are good too.
+1 for Touchdown.

Not only is it a good Exchange client, the developers are also very active in keeping it updated. Besides the fact that it does the job much better than the built in client, it also is much more customizable, and will actually automatically sync subfolders as well as the main inbox. Native mail client is manual sync only on subfolders.

EDIT: It has full GAL search capabilities. You cannot SHOW the entire GAL but you can search it and it will dig up the contact for you. Touchdown is pretty much like having a full Outlook client on your phone.
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