Droid Bionic Accessories Showing Up At Verizon Stores


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Jan 27, 2010
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Lafayette Hill, Pa
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HTC One M8
Earlier we reported on the laptop adapter for the Droid Bionic and with all the speculation of an exact release date and a fake @DroidBionic twitter account announcing dates, no one was really sure of any particular day. All we were sure of, was a September release.

Well it looks like Verizon is sticking with that September launch schedule with the appearance of some Bionic accessories showing up in Verizon stores.

Here we have the lapdock, just waiting for a home... and a phone to go with it.


So it looks like our wait is almost over. It may be wise, if you are planning on picking up the Bionic, to grab any accessories you plan on getting before you get the phone itself. In the world of mobile phones, accessories seem to run scarce after a launch...

Via: TheDroidGuy.Com
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I think he is asking about the size of the lapdock screen... I haven't seen a figure yet, but based on the pictures that leaked out of a VZW store a few weeks ago, I would guess 15.3"
Ah, to be honest, I haven't seen any specs on it yet but your estimate sounds reasonable. I will keep an eye open for more info on it, or if someone else happens to come across it, feel free to let us know.
Any idea what the price for the lapdock is?

I haven't heard any price info yet, but this is a total guess, not cheap. I will make some calls after some meetings thismorning see if I can get a price, unless someone else finds out first. Shouldn't be to hard if its in some stores already. Then again, VZW reps always seem reluctant to provide any info until the phone itself is released.
While I know the bionic and the atrix are not the same phone.... one might ventrue to guess that the lapdock they use will be very similar. If that is the case, you might be able to get a good estimate looking here.

Looks like you can get it for as cheap as $200 and as much as $500.
As I've said before, I'm always hoping, just not expecting...

I'm hopeful as well... I just don't know if I want this anymore. It's going to be a great phone, but would it be worth the wait for the Droid/Nexus Prime? I almost hope it's not until the 8th, so that we can get a week more of leaks on the Prime