Droid headphone jack self-fix?


New Member
Feb 23, 2010
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I'm wondering if anyone has fixed the loose/crackling headphone jack by themselves or has any idea if it is possible? I dread dealing with the Verizon people as I've had very bad experiences and am very happy with my phone otherwise (overclocking stablility etc.).

Well I'm on my third Droid for exactly this issue. I treat it with kid gloves and every time the verizon employees have replaced it without a peep.

Its a crazy weakpoint for such an expensive device. The issue I found was that the jack itself had too much give in its slot, it would wiggle a bit and eventually this effects the connection.

Here's my diy fix. I took a standard envelope, cut a small triangular wedge from the flap, folded it in half, wedged it in between the outside of the jack and the phone, and then trimmed the edge with a bit left so I can still get it out if needed. This did the trick.
Ok my audio does this even through bluetooth. do you think it's still something to do with the jack? i'm in the same boat as Ryan in that my phone is setup just like i want ...and i don't want to return it. maybe i'll try that paper trick.....

EDIT: nope
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...I had to do that with an mp3 player I had about 6 years ago....I would think someone would have made this problem go away by now.
One of my coworkers makes his own electronics as a hobby (I work in a software company it happens).

Anyway, he was telling me that its literally impossible to buy a better headphone jack no matter how hard you try. There aren't any supply companies that make them. Apple is basically the only company that engineers their own (and no im not trying to start a flame war or anything, one drop of water in an iphone headphone jack bricks the phone, so its got its own issues).

Anyway, I'm going to return this droid and the next one I get, I'm going to use some epoxy a teeny bit of glue from a glue gun or something and really carefully strengthen up that area a bit before I even use the phone.
Here's my diy fix. I took a standard envelope, cut a small triangular wedge from the flap, folded it in half, wedged it in between the outside of the jack and the phone, and then trimmed the edge with a bit left so I can still get it out if needed. This did the trick.

Nice, I'll give this or something similar a shot and see what happens. That would be sweet if it works.
One of my coworkers makes his own electronics as a hobby (I work in a software company it happens).

Anyway, he was telling me that its literally impossible to buy a better headphone jack no matter how hard you try. There aren't any supply companies that make them. Apple is basically the only company that engineers their own (and no im not trying to start a flame war or anything, one drop of water in an iphone headphone jack bricks the phone, so its got its own issues).

Than where is M$ getting the ones they use for the Zunes? I have several Zunes including one of the originals (that I got the first week they were out) and have had ZERO issues with any of them and several of them have been abused (the original one severely). The original has also always doubted as my care media device so it has a ton of hours and thousands of connect/disconnects. They are out there, Moto just refuses to put one in the phone. Also I've read from others (that have looked in the phone) it's not as much about the adapter as it's flimsy connection to the board (just a few small solder joints, no real solid connection or mount).
my jack has slowly been loosening, and along with it the crackling has slowly gotten worse. i'm going to have to get a new one sometime...
do they manufacture the new ones with a better jack system (yes, i know i will get an old refurb), or do they just let them go bad?
Wow, I think the folded envelope wedge trick might have actually worked :icon_ banana: If it stops working, I'll just fold the envelope twice and I bet that will work!

Maybe we should tell Motorola to start patching phones with the folded envelope wedge hardware fix :icon_ poke:

For anyone else trying this fix I think the envelope might need to be jammed at the top screen-side of the jack.
I am also on my third Droid for this. A recent update fixed the full volume crackling.

That sucks. Yeah this is another reason I'm hesitant to return...very likely the next one will have the same problem.

Fellow SI owner? Woot!
I'm stoked. I really want my DIY envelope fix to take off!

I also put it in the top end of the jack. I'm going to do a more permanent fix soon with glue or epoxy. Any advice on the best glue to dab in the gaps to keep the jack from moving around too much?
Than where is M$ getting the ones they use for the Zunes? I have several Zunes including one of the originals (that I got the first week they were out) and have had ZERO issues with any of them and several of them have been abused (the original one severely). The original has also always doubted as my care media device so it has a ton of hours and thousands of connect/disconnects. They are out there, Moto just refuses to put one in the phone. Also I've read from others (that have looked in the phone) it's not as much about the adapter as it's flimsy connection to the board (just a few small solder joints, no real solid connection or mount).

So I was looking at teardown images and it LOOKS to me like the droid headphone jack isn't even attached to the board at all!! It kind of looks like its only attached to the back end of the phone and it just 'rests' on the board connection areas. They probably do this so it has a little more give but those pins must be lifting off the board as they get older/less flexible/bent whatever.

Take a look at http://www.phonewreck.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/Droid46.jpg

The ZUNE has a ribbon. Take a look at this ZUNE hd teardown pick http://s1.guide-images.ifixit.com/igi/NmCoGApC4PNsLqrZ.large

and here is the ipod touch http://s1.guide-images.ifixit.com/igi/XqLrUHgSEYERiT4u.large

For the apple and m$soft products the headphone jack is physically connected, not just resting on the board.

So I take it back, the issue isn't the jack, or the quality of the jack, its the way that the jack is meant to stay in contact with the board.