Droid Incredible phone call number format


New Member
Hey all,

I was curious to know if anyone is aware of any program that allows you to make calls and adds the dashes in the number as you type them. For instance, right now with the Inc when placing a call, the number displays like this:


Anyone know if there's a way to make it:


A little easier on the eyes. I doubt that there is something like this but thought I'd ask.

Take it easy,


I have the droid 1 and it automatically adds the dashes as you put in the number. I never added an app for that so assume it was part of the original setup.


New Member
Work around

I like the phone number format using parentheses.
I had to use google chrome.
I first exported the numbers, then used the computer to change the numbers,
Then imported them back.
It was a lot of work, but I'm anal like that!


Active Member
On my phone's dialer (DX), it adds the dashes as I type in numbers. I have to type 555555 (six 5s), then it automatically reformats it to 555-555, then I type two more 5s, and it reformats it again to 555-555-55...

As far as my contacts, I went in and manually updated each to include the dashes (and remove any 1s that may have been saved initially).

I'm anal like that too... lol.


Silver Member
There may be apps but if you want a particular format you just need to enter the numbers in that format. If your contacts are Google contacts you can easily export to CSV, have Excel format the column and import back.