Extended Battery

Stock battery is approximately 4mm thick. You're saying the extended battery is 16mm thick?

The extended battery is about 8mm thick.

I didn't measure it and I am sure you get the picture.

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is it still on sale at Verizon?

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I actually like the hump b/c it protects the camera a bit by lifting it off whatever surface the phone is sitting on.

I think battery life with the extended all depends on what you do. Yesterday with moderate usage in a 3g only area I got 23 1/2 hrs, but the previous day I only got 11 hrs with GPS enable in a 4g area while using google navigation heavily (battery usage showing it as 43% of battery consumption). So using maps, with GPS enabled and 4G definitely eats through the battery quicker.

yeah I understand all of that, I just thought I would be getting a whole lot more use out of it then that... but today is day 2 on extended battery starting with a full charge, and I will be away from a charger all day (except my car maybe) so I should be able to see if the battery is getting better usage now that Ive had a full charge and drain. I will be in a 4G area all day as well..

And as far as the feel for it, I put the stock battery back on it last night to give it a full charge, and I have to say that it was very light and thin in comparison (obviously) but I didnt like the feel of it as much, I felt like it was going to slip out of my hand and break or something haha... so the feel of the extended battery is definitely growing on me, it actually feels like im holding something and something firm and solid!!
I love how moto thought of everything this time with the extended battery and all the accessories working with it. That was the main issue for me with the d1. Having to take the back off everytime I put it in the dock was a joke.

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With my OG Droid I had the Seidio dock, which handled their extended battery nicely.