FEEDBACK: Your forum is annoying and I'll tell you why


New Member
Dec 31, 2010
Reaction score
I couldn't find a feedback section so I'm posting my feedback here (you should create one). There are a lot of really annoying technical aspects when posting in this forum.

An annoying bit is the checkbox to automatically convert links into videos. This is really annoying because not only does it mess up inline links in an explanation but it actually modifies your post and adds in VIDEO bbcode in place of my manually created URL bbcode. You should never change the users input when previewing the post as it's bad practice.

There were some other problems I was having but they seemed to be resolved by unblocking Kind of odd that I need to allow multiple domains to execute JavaScript in order to get a forum working. I don't like that either.

Btw I made such a rough title for this thread in the hopes that someone who manages the forum sees it. I'm still relatively new here so I don't know who to contact for such feedback.
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i'm not picking a fight. i was just wondering, if you're annoyed then go to other forums. why would you still waste your time here?
I couldn't find a feedback section so I'm posting my feedback here (you should create one). There are a lot of really annoying technical aspects when posting in this forum.

An annoying bit is the checkbox to automatically convert links into videos. This is really annoying because not only does it mess up inline links in an explanation but it actually modifies your post and adds in VIDEO bbcode in place of my manually created URL bbcode. You should never change the users input when previewing the post as it's bad practice.

There were some other problems I was having but they seemed to be resolved by unblocking Kind of odd that I need to allow multiple domains to execute JavaScript in order to get a forum working. I don't like that either.

Btw I made such a rough title for this thread in the hopes that someone who manages the forum sees it. I'm still relatively new here so I don't know who to contact for such feedback.

So, because they give you the options to adjust formatting just like almost all other forums do, there's a problem? If you have an issue, pm a mod. Not sure why you decided to put this in the news section. Anyway, feel free to go elsewhere.
i'm not picking a fight. i was just wondering, if you're annoyed then go to other forums. why would you still waste your time here?

Let's not slam the op.

We are all annoyed with VZW nickle and diming us but we still use it.

We get annoyed at our spouse's cooking at times but we still eat it.

I get annoyed at walmarts employees but I still shop there.

Asking valid questions isn't a crime and can help make the place a better place.

Sent from someplace, and with something that you need not worry about.
Let's not slam the op.

We get annoyed at our spouse's cooking at times but we still eat it.

Sent from someplace, and with something that you need not worry about.

Hmm I have a feeling a lot of dogs are the recipients of any wives 'bad cooking'. :)
Heh, yes as others have stated this wasn't meant as a hostile comment. Though I should have put the subject header so it didn't sound agressive I guess. But basically it was purely meant as a feedback statement to improve the quality of the forum. I appologize if I wasn't clear enough.

I'll submit the feedback to the section where smalltowngirl suggests though I still feel a feedback area of the forum is valuable because you can get the insight and other users' opionions on the feedback.

Thanks all,

I submitted my feedback to the admins. Here's what I said for anyone interested so that my first statement could be better clarified.

Here are some suggestions which I hope you consider.

- You should have a feedback section of the forum so that other users can comment on feedback. It would help to better narrow a solution to feedback or even provide alternatives to the current feedback which may be better.

- Do not check the checkbox for converting links into videos by default. This is a big interface issue for me because I like talking about technical subjects. When I post replies to users I tend to link websites which are more descriptive about a topic when I touch on an advanced issue in that topic. Sometimes those offsite links would include a video to youtube if I deem necessary. It's not a big deal to uncheck the box but often I forget to because it is a vBulletin function I'm not used to having enabled by default. Also, after I've posted already and I go to edit the post the "convert links to videos" checkbox does not display when you edit a post however it will do it anyways since it is the default. That is by far the most detracting part of the problem in my opinion. I don't like it when forums change the text which I write unless they're adding simple href links to web urls.

- Inline linked advertising should go away. I understand the value of advertising for a forum to get revenue to support the forum. I'm not against that at all. I think allowing advertising to write links into responses automatically is another bad practice. The user did not put that in their post so you shouldn't write it in their post. It also may confuse readers which links were provided by the user and which links are converted for advertising. This feature detracts the value of a forum and tends to shy potential users away from joining a forum because of the inline adverts.

- This last bit is more of a personal tech thing than anything. You host scripts for vBulletin at both and I use noscript so I have to have both of those domains enabled in order for to operate properly. I think you should host all the scripts for the vBulletin application on the same domain so that enabling functionality of the forum is easier. I have set up permanent rules for this forum but it still goes against my personal best practices.

*EDIT*: That bit about the inline advertising is irrelevant I realize. I think I got my forums confused when I said that. This forum doesn't appear to have that though I'm sure the admins will just pick and choose what applies to the forum.
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Hello sag47 and thank you for your feedback. We realize that not everyone is going to be happy with some of the operating decisions that we make on the forums but be assured these decisions are made in the best interest of the community. The video linking is used a lot on the forums and is a very popular feature.

In regards to hosting scripts, DF's handles a lot of traffic on a daily basis and we rely on a CDN to deliver some of the static files. This is all done to make the experience a lot smoother and faster for our members. Again, our decisions are based strictly on making the experience here at DF's seamless for our users. The less members have to do, and the faster the site delivers content, the better the experience. Hopefully this answers some of your questions. Have a great day.........
Let's not slam the op.

We are all annoyed with VZW nickle and diming us but we still use it.

We get annoyed at our spouse's cooking at times but we still eat it.

I get annoyed at walmarts employees but I still shop there.

Asking valid questions isn't a crime and can help make the place a better place.

Sent from someplace, and with something that you need not worry about.

i'm not slamming. i'm just asking. but anyway, thanks for your reply. your examples made me laugh. specially the 2nd. :happy3: