Gmail Question - Archive.

Big D

Nov 12, 2009
Reaction score
I keep archiving emails. TYhe archive button is right over the back button and it's happened about 10 times.

My question is: How do I retrieve archived messages and id there anything I could do to prevent this from continuing to happen? Maybe an "are you sure?" option?

Go back to the inbox, click the main menu button and click view labels. Then click All Mail and you will see the ones that you archived along with other labels. Archiving just means that the mail no longer has an "inbox" label. If it has no other label, it will only show up in All Mail. From there you can click on an email item and apply a label (reapply the inbox label if you choose). It's probably easier to do it online rather than on the phone if you have accidentally moved several that you want to move back. As to how not to--be more careful what you are hitting as you can't get rid of the archive option as far as I know.
This wouldn't be an issue if a) the stupid archive button wasn't in such a bad spot. And b) the droid wouldn't hang so long opening gmail.